'use strict'; const types = require('../../tokenizer/types.cjs'); const NUMBERSIGN = 0x0023; // U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (#) const ASTERISK = 0x002A; // U+002A ASTERISK (*) const PLUSSIGN = 0x002B; // U+002B PLUS SIGN (+) const HYPHENMINUS = 0x002D; // U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) const SOLIDUS = 0x002F; // U+002F SOLIDUS (/) const U = 0x0075; // U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U (u) function defaultRecognizer(context) { switch (this.tokenType) { case types.Hash: return this.Hash(); case types.Comma: return this.Operator(); case types.LeftParenthesis: return this.Parentheses(this.readSequence, context.recognizer); case types.LeftSquareBracket: return this.Brackets(this.readSequence, context.recognizer); case types.String: return this.String(); case types.Dimension: return this.Dimension(); case types.Percentage: return this.Percentage(); case types.Number: return this.Number(); case types.Function: return this.cmpStr(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd, 'url(') ? this.Url() : this.Function(this.readSequence, context.recognizer); case types.Url: return this.Url(); case types.Ident: // check for unicode range, it should start with u+ or U+ if (this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart, U) && this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart + 1, PLUSSIGN)) { return this.UnicodeRange(); } else { return this.Identifier(); } case types.Delim: { const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart); if (code === SOLIDUS || code === ASTERISK || code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) { return this.Operator(); // TODO: replace with Delim } // TODO: produce a node with Delim node type if (code === NUMBERSIGN) { this.error('Hex or identifier is expected', this.tokenStart + 1); } break; } } } module.exports = defaultRecognizer;