'use strict'; const { detachNodeFromParent } = require('../lib/xast.js'); const { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require('../lib/style.js'); const { path2js, js2path, intersects } = require('./_path.js'); exports.name = 'mergePaths'; exports.description = 'merges multiple paths in one if possible'; /** * Merge multiple Paths into one. * * @author Kir Belevich, Lev Solntsev * * @type {import('./plugins-types').Plugin<'mergePaths'>} */ exports.fn = (root, params) => { const { force = false, floatPrecision, noSpaceAfterFlags = false, // a20 60 45 0 1 30 20 → a20 60 45 0130 20 } = params; const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root); return { element: { enter: (node) => { let prevChild = null; for (const child of node.children) { // skip if previous element is not path or contains animation elements if ( prevChild == null || prevChild.type !== 'element' || prevChild.name !== 'path' || prevChild.children.length !== 0 || prevChild.attributes.d == null ) { prevChild = child; continue; } // skip if element is not path or contains animation elements if ( child.type !== 'element' || child.name !== 'path' || child.children.length !== 0 || child.attributes.d == null ) { prevChild = child; continue; } // preserve paths with markers const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, child); if ( computedStyle['marker-start'] || computedStyle['marker-mid'] || computedStyle['marker-end'] ) { prevChild = child; continue; } const prevChildAttrs = Object.keys(prevChild.attributes); const childAttrs = Object.keys(child.attributes); let attributesAreEqual = prevChildAttrs.length === childAttrs.length; for (const name of childAttrs) { if (name !== 'd') { if ( prevChild.attributes[name] == null || prevChild.attributes[name] !== child.attributes[name] ) { attributesAreEqual = false; } } } const prevPathJS = path2js(prevChild); const curPathJS = path2js(child); if ( attributesAreEqual && (force || !intersects(prevPathJS, curPathJS)) ) { js2path(prevChild, prevPathJS.concat(curPathJS), { floatPrecision, noSpaceAfterFlags, }); detachNodeFromParent(child, node); continue; } prevChild = child; } }, }, }; };