import { isDigit, Delim, Number as NumberToken } from '../../tokenizer/index.js'; const SOLIDUS = 0x002F; // U+002F SOLIDUS (/) const FULLSTOP = 0x002E; // U+002E FULL STOP (.) // Terms of should be a positive numbers (not zero or negative) // (see // However, -o-min-device-pixel-ratio takes fractional values as a ratio's term // and this is using by various sites. Therefore we relax checking on parse // to test a term is unsigned number without an exponent part. // Additional checking may be applied on lexer validation. function consumeNumber() { this.skipSC(); const value = this.consume(NumberToken); for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const code = value.charCodeAt(i); if (!isDigit(code) && code !== FULLSTOP) { this.error('Unsigned number is expected', this.tokenStart - value.length + i); } } if (Number(value) === 0) { this.error('Zero number is not allowed', this.tokenStart - value.length); } return value; } export const name = 'Ratio'; export const structure = { left: String, right: String }; // S* '/' S* export function parse() { const start = this.tokenStart; const left =; let right; this.skipSC(); this.eatDelim(SOLIDUS); right =; return { type: 'Ratio', loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart), left, right }; } export function generate(node) { this.token(NumberToken, node.left); this.token(Delim, '/'); this.token(NumberToken, node.right); }