import { isTag, hasChildren } from "domhandler"; /** * Search a node and its children for nodes passing a test function. * * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param node Node to search. Will be included in the result set if it matches. * @param recurse Also consider child nodes. * @param limit Maximum number of nodes to return. * @returns All nodes passing `test`. */ export function filter(test, node, recurse = true, limit = Infinity) { if (!Array.isArray(node)) node = [node]; return find(test, node, recurse, limit); } /** * Search an array of node and its children for nodes passing a test function. * * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param nodes Array of nodes to search. * @param recurse Also consider child nodes. * @param limit Maximum number of nodes to return. * @returns All nodes passing `test`. */ export function find(test, nodes, recurse, limit) { const result = []; for (const elem of nodes) { if (test(elem)) { result.push(elem); if (--limit <= 0) break; } if (recurse && hasChildren(elem) && elem.children.length > 0) { const children = find(test, elem.children, recurse, limit); result.push(...children); limit -= children.length; if (limit <= 0) break; } } return result; } /** * Finds the first element inside of an array that matches a test function. * * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param nodes Array of nodes to search. * @returns The first node in the array that passes `test`. * @deprecated Use `Array.prototype.find` directly. */ export function findOneChild(test, nodes) { return nodes.find(test); } /** * Finds one element in a tree that passes a test. * * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param nodes Array of nodes to search. * @param recurse Also consider child nodes. * @returns The first child node that passes `test`. */ export function findOne(test, nodes, recurse = true) { let elem = null; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length && !elem; i++) { const checked = nodes[i]; if (!isTag(checked)) { continue; } else if (test(checked)) { elem = checked; } else if (recurse && checked.children.length > 0) { elem = findOne(test, checked.children, true); } } return elem; } /** * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param nodes Array of nodes to search. * @returns Whether a tree of nodes contains at least one node passing the test. */ export function existsOne(test, nodes) { return nodes.some((checked) => isTag(checked) && (test(checked) || (checked.children.length > 0 && existsOne(test, checked.children)))); } /** * Search and array of nodes and its children for elements passing a test function. * * Same as `find`, but limited to elements and with less options, leading to reduced complexity. * * @category Querying * @param test Function to test nodes on. * @param nodes Array of nodes to search. * @returns All nodes passing `test`. */ export function findAll(test, nodes) { var _a; const result = []; const stack = nodes.filter(isTag); let elem; while ((elem = stack.shift())) { const children = (_a = elem.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter(isTag); if (children && children.length > 0) { stack.unshift(...children); } if (test(elem)) result.push(elem); } return result; } //#