generate iconFont

106 lines
2.7 KiB

'use strict';
const { removeLeadingZero } = require('../lib/svgo/tools'); = 'cleanupNumericValues';
exports.description =
'rounds numeric values to the fixed precision, removes default ‘px’ units';
const regNumericValues =
const absoluteLengths = {
// relative to px
cm: 96 / 2.54,
mm: 96 / 25.4,
in: 96,
pt: 4 / 3,
pc: 16,
px: 1,
* Round numeric values to the fixed precision,
* remove default 'px' units.
* @author Kir Belevich
* @type {import('./plugins-types').Plugin<'cleanupNumericValues'>}
exports.fn = (_root, params) => {
const {
floatPrecision = 3,
leadingZero = true,
defaultPx = true,
convertToPx = true,
} = params;
return {
element: {
enter: (node) => {
if (node.attributes.viewBox != null) {
const nums = node.attributes.viewBox.split(/\s,?\s*|,\s*/g);
node.attributes.viewBox = nums
.map((value) => {
const num = Number(value);
return Number.isNaN(num)
? value
: Number(num.toFixed(floatPrecision));
.join(' ');
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
// The `version` attribute is a text string and cannot be rounded
if (name === 'version') {
const match = value.match(regNumericValues);
// if attribute value matches regNumericValues
if (match) {
// round it to the fixed precision
let num = Number(Number(match[1]).toFixed(floatPrecision));
* @type {any}
let matchedUnit = match[3] || '';
* @type{'' | keyof typeof absoluteLengths}
let units = matchedUnit;
// convert absolute values to pixels
if (convertToPx && units !== '' && units in absoluteLengths) {
const pxNum = Number(
(absoluteLengths[units] * Number(match[1])).toFixed(
if (pxNum.toString().length < match[0].length) {
num = pxNum;
units = 'px';
// and remove leading zero
let str;
if (leadingZero) {
str = removeLeadingZero(num);
} else {
str = num.toString();
// remove default 'px' units
if (defaultPx && units === 'px') {
units = '';
node.attributes[name] = str + units;