import type { BasicAcceptedElems } from './types.js'; import type { CheerioAPI, Cheerio } from '.'; import type { AnyNode, Document } from 'domhandler'; import { CheerioOptions } from './options.js'; /** * Renders the document. * * @param options - Options for the renderer. * @returns The rendered document. */ export declare function html(this: CheerioAPI, options?: CheerioOptions): string; /** * Renders the document. * * @param dom - Element to render. * @param options - Options for the renderer. * @returns The rendered document. */ export declare function html(this: CheerioAPI, dom?: BasicAcceptedElems, options?: CheerioOptions): string; /** * Render the document as XML. * * @param dom - Element to render. * @returns THe rendered document. */ export declare function xml(this: CheerioAPI, dom?: BasicAcceptedElems): string; /** * Render the document as text. * * This returns the `textContent` of the passed elements. The result will * include the contents of `script` and `stype` elements. To avoid this, use * `.prop('innerText')` instead. * * @param elements - Elements to render. * @returns The rendered document. */ export declare function text(this: CheerioAPI | void, elements?: ArrayLike): string; /** * Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes. The `context` argument has no * meaning for Cheerio, but it is maintained for API compatibility with jQuery. * * @param data - Markup that will be parsed. * @param context - Will be ignored. If it is a boolean it will be used as the * value of `keepScripts`. * @param keepScripts - If false all scripts will be removed. * @returns The parsed DOM. * @alias Cheerio.parseHTML * @see {@link} */ export declare function parseHTML(this: CheerioAPI, data: string, context?: unknown | boolean, keepScripts?: boolean): AnyNode[]; export declare function parseHTML(this: CheerioAPI, data?: '' | null): null; /** * Sometimes you need to work with the top-level root element. To query it, you * can use `$.root()`. * * @example * * ```js * $.root().append('
    ').html(); * //=>
      * ``` * * @returns Cheerio instance wrapping the root node. * @alias Cheerio.root */ export declare function root(this: CheerioAPI): Cheerio; /** * Checks to see if the `contained` DOM element is a descendant of the * `container` DOM element. * * @param container - Potential parent node. * @param contained - Potential child node. * @returns Indicates if the nodes contain one another. * @alias Cheerio.contains * @see {@link} */ export declare function contains(container: AnyNode, contained: AnyNode): boolean; interface WritableArrayLike extends ArrayLike { length: number; [n: number]: T; } /** * $.merge(). * * @param arr1 - First array. * @param arr2 - Second array. * @returns `arr1`, with elements of `arr2` inserted. * @alias Cheerio.merge * @see {@link} */ export declare function merge(arr1: WritableArrayLike, arr2: ArrayLike): ArrayLike | undefined; export {}; //#