/* global ʎɐɹɔosǝʌɹǝs */ const { ClientSocket } = require('webpack-plugin-serve/lib/client/ClientSocket'); /** * Initializes a socket server for HMR for webpack-plugin-serve. * @param {function(*): void} messageHandler A handler to consume Webpack compilation messages. * @returns {void} */ function initWPSSocket(messageHandler) { /** * The hard-coded options injection key from webpack-plugin-serve. * * [Ref](https://github.com/shellscape/webpack-plugin-serve/blob/aeb49f14e900802c98df4a4607a76bc67b1cffdf/lib/index.js#L258) * @type {Object | undefined} */ let options; try { options = ʎɐɹɔosǝʌɹǝs; } catch (e) { // Bail out because this indicates the plugin is not included return; } const { address, client = {}, secure } = options; const protocol = secure ? 'wss' : 'ws'; const socket = new ClientSocket(client, protocol + '://' + (client.address || address) + '/wps'); socket.addEventListener('message', function listener(message) { const { action, data } = JSON.parse(message.data); switch (action) { case 'done': { messageHandler({ type: 'ok' }); break; } case 'problems': { if (data.errors.length) { messageHandler({ type: 'errors', data: data.errors }); } else if (data.warnings.length) { messageHandler({ type: 'warnings', data: data.warnings }); } break; } default: { // Do nothing } } }); } module.exports = { init: initWPSSocket };