"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.collectVariableUsage = exports.getDeclarationDomain = exports.getUsageDomain = exports.UsageDomain = exports.DeclarationDomain = void 0; const util_1 = require("./util"); const ts = require("typescript"); var DeclarationDomain; (function (DeclarationDomain) { DeclarationDomain[DeclarationDomain["Namespace"] = 1] = "Namespace"; DeclarationDomain[DeclarationDomain["Type"] = 2] = "Type"; DeclarationDomain[DeclarationDomain["Value"] = 4] = "Value"; DeclarationDomain[DeclarationDomain["Import"] = 8] = "Import"; DeclarationDomain[DeclarationDomain["Any"] = 7] = "Any"; })(DeclarationDomain = exports.DeclarationDomain || (exports.DeclarationDomain = {})); var UsageDomain; (function (UsageDomain) { UsageDomain[UsageDomain["Namespace"] = 1] = "Namespace"; UsageDomain[UsageDomain["Type"] = 2] = "Type"; UsageDomain[UsageDomain["Value"] = 4] = "Value"; UsageDomain[UsageDomain["ValueOrNamespace"] = 5] = "ValueOrNamespace"; UsageDomain[UsageDomain["Any"] = 7] = "Any"; UsageDomain[UsageDomain["TypeQuery"] = 8] = "TypeQuery"; })(UsageDomain = exports.UsageDomain || (exports.UsageDomain = {})); // TODO handle cases where values are used only for their types, e.g. `declare [propSymbol]: number` function getUsageDomain(node) { const parent = node.parent; switch (parent.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeReference: return node.originalKeywordKind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword ? 2 /* Type */ : undefined; case ts.SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments: return parent.parent.token === ts.SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword || parent.parent.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration ? 2 /* Type */ : 4 /* Value */; case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeQuery: return 5 /* ValueOrNamespace */ | 8 /* TypeQuery */; case ts.SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: if (parent.left === node) { if (getEntityNameParent(parent).kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeQuery) return 1 /* Namespace */ | 8 /* TypeQuery */; return 1 /* Namespace */; } break; case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier: // either {name} or {propertyName as name} if (parent.propertyName === undefined || parent.propertyName === node) return 7 /* Any */; // TODO handle type-only exports break; case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: return 7 /* Any */; // Value case ts.SyntaxKind.BindingElement: if (parent.initializer === node) return 5 /* ValueOrNamespace */; break; case ts.SyntaxKind.Parameter: case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumMember: case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: if (parent.name !== node) return 5 /* ValueOrNamespace */; // TODO handle type-only imports break; case ts.SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement: case ts.SyntaxKind.BreakStatement: case ts.SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportClause: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypePredicate: // TODO this actually references a parameter case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport: case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: case ts.SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember: break; default: return 5 /* ValueOrNamespace */; } } exports.getUsageDomain = getUsageDomain; function getDeclarationDomain(node) { switch (node.parent.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: return 2 /* Type */; case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: return 2 /* Type */ | 4 /* Value */; case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: return 7 /* Any */; case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportClause: return 7 /* Any */ | 8 /* Import */; // TODO handle type-only imports case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: return node.parent.name === node ? 7 /* Any */ | 8 /* Import */ // TODO handle type-only imports : undefined; case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return 1 /* Namespace */; case ts.SyntaxKind.Parameter: if (node.parent.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.IndexSignature || node.originalKeywordKind === ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) return; // falls through case ts.SyntaxKind.BindingElement: case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: return node.parent.name === node ? 4 /* Value */ : undefined; case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: return 4 /* Value */; } } exports.getDeclarationDomain = getDeclarationDomain; function collectVariableUsage(sourceFile) { return new UsageWalker().getUsage(sourceFile); } exports.collectVariableUsage = collectVariableUsage; class AbstractScope { constructor(_global) { this._global = _global; this._variables = new Map(); this._uses = []; this._namespaceScopes = undefined; this._enumScopes = undefined; } addVariable(identifier, name, selector, exported, domain) { const variables = this.getDestinationScope(selector).getVariables(); const declaration = { domain, exported, declaration: name, }; const variable = variables.get(identifier); if (variable === undefined) { variables.set(identifier, { domain, declarations: [declaration], uses: [], }); } else { variable.domain |= domain; variable.declarations.push(declaration); } } addUse(use) { this._uses.push(use); } getVariables() { return this._variables; } getFunctionScope() { return this; } end(cb) { if (this._namespaceScopes !== undefined) this._namespaceScopes.forEach((value) => value.finish(cb)); this._namespaceScopes = this._enumScopes = undefined; this._applyUses(); this._variables.forEach((variable) => { for (const declaration of variable.declarations) { const result = { declarations: [], domain: declaration.domain, exported: declaration.exported, inGlobalScope: this._global, uses: [], }; for (const other of variable.declarations) if (other.domain & declaration.domain) result.declarations.push(other.declaration); for (const use of variable.uses) if (use.domain & declaration.domain) result.uses.push(use); cb(result, declaration.declaration, this); } }); } // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-function-over-method markExported(_name) { } // only relevant for the root scope createOrReuseNamespaceScope(name, _exported, ambient, hasExportStatement) { let scope; if (this._namespaceScopes === undefined) { this._namespaceScopes = new Map(); } else { scope = this._namespaceScopes.get(name); } if (scope === undefined) { scope = new NamespaceScope(ambient, hasExportStatement, this); this._namespaceScopes.set(name, scope); } else { scope.refresh(ambient, hasExportStatement); } return scope; } createOrReuseEnumScope(name, _exported) { let scope; if (this._enumScopes === undefined) { this._enumScopes = new Map(); } else { scope = this._enumScopes.get(name); } if (scope === undefined) { scope = new EnumScope(this); this._enumScopes.set(name, scope); } return scope; } _applyUses() { for (const use of this._uses) if (!this._applyUse(use)) this._addUseToParent(use); this._uses = []; } _applyUse(use, variables = this._variables) { const variable = variables.get(use.location.text); if (variable === undefined || (variable.domain & use.domain) === 0) return false; variable.uses.push(use); return true; } _addUseToParent(_use) { } // tslint:disable-line:prefer-function-over-method } class RootScope extends AbstractScope { constructor(_exportAll, global) { super(global); this._exportAll = _exportAll; this._exports = undefined; this._innerScope = new NonRootScope(this, 1 /* Function */); } addVariable(identifier, name, selector, exported, domain) { if (domain & 8 /* Import */) return super.addVariable(identifier, name, selector, exported, domain); return this._innerScope.addVariable(identifier, name, selector, exported, domain); } addUse(use, origin) { if (origin === this._innerScope) return super.addUse(use); return this._innerScope.addUse(use); } markExported(id) { if (this._exports === undefined) { this._exports = [id.text]; } else { this._exports.push(id.text); } } end(cb) { this._innerScope.end((value, key) => { value.exported = value.exported || this._exportAll || this._exports !== undefined && this._exports.includes(key.text); value.inGlobalScope = this._global; return cb(value, key, this); }); return super.end((value, key, scope) => { value.exported = value.exported || scope === this && this._exports !== undefined && this._exports.includes(key.text); return cb(value, key, scope); }); } getDestinationScope() { return this; } } class NonRootScope extends AbstractScope { constructor(_parent, _boundary) { super(false); this._parent = _parent; this._boundary = _boundary; } _addUseToParent(use) { return this._parent.addUse(use, this); } getDestinationScope(selector) { return this._boundary & selector ? this : this._parent.getDestinationScope(selector); } } class EnumScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(parent) { super(parent, 1 /* Function */); } end() { this._applyUses(); } } class ConditionalTypeScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(parent) { super(parent, 8 /* ConditionalType */); this._state = 0 /* Initial */; } updateState(newState) { this._state = newState; } addUse(use) { if (this._state === 2 /* TrueType */) return void this._uses.push(use); return this._parent.addUse(use, this); } } class FunctionScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(parent) { super(parent, 1 /* Function */); } beginBody() { this._applyUses(); } } class AbstractNamedExpressionScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(_name, _domain, parent) { super(parent, 1 /* Function */); this._name = _name; this._domain = _domain; } end(cb) { this._innerScope.end(cb); return cb({ declarations: [this._name], domain: this._domain, exported: false, uses: this._uses, inGlobalScope: false, }, this._name, this); } addUse(use, source) { if (source !== this._innerScope) return this._innerScope.addUse(use); if (use.domain & this._domain && use.location.text === this._name.text) { this._uses.push(use); } else { return this._parent.addUse(use, this); } } getFunctionScope() { return this._innerScope; } getDestinationScope() { return this._innerScope; } } class FunctionExpressionScope extends AbstractNamedExpressionScope { constructor(name, parent) { super(name, 4 /* Value */, parent); this._innerScope = new FunctionScope(this); } beginBody() { return this._innerScope.beginBody(); } } class ClassExpressionScope extends AbstractNamedExpressionScope { constructor(name, parent) { super(name, 4 /* Value */ | 2 /* Type */, parent); this._innerScope = new NonRootScope(this, 1 /* Function */); } } class BlockScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(_functionScope, parent) { super(parent, 2 /* Block */); this._functionScope = _functionScope; } getFunctionScope() { return this._functionScope; } } function mapDeclaration(declaration) { return { declaration, exported: true, domain: getDeclarationDomain(declaration), }; } class NamespaceScope extends NonRootScope { constructor(_ambient, _hasExport, parent) { super(parent, 1 /* Function */); this._ambient = _ambient; this._hasExport = _hasExport; this._innerScope = new NonRootScope(this, 1 /* Function */); this._exports = undefined; } finish(cb) { return super.end(cb); } end(cb) { this._innerScope.end((variable, key, scope) => { if (scope !== this._innerScope || !variable.exported && (!this._ambient || this._exports !== undefined && !this._exports.has(key.text))) return cb(variable, key, scope); const namespaceVar = this._variables.get(key.text); if (namespaceVar === undefined) { this._variables.set(key.text, { declarations: variable.declarations.map(mapDeclaration), domain: variable.domain, uses: [...variable.uses], }); } else { outer: for (const declaration of variable.declarations) { for (const existing of namespaceVar.declarations) if (existing.declaration === declaration) continue outer; namespaceVar.declarations.push(mapDeclaration(declaration)); } namespaceVar.domain |= variable.domain; for (const use of variable.uses) { if (namespaceVar.uses.includes(use)) continue; namespaceVar.uses.push(use); } } }); this._applyUses(); this._innerScope = new NonRootScope(this, 1 /* Function */); } createOrReuseNamespaceScope(name, exported, ambient, hasExportStatement) { if (!exported && (!this._ambient || this._hasExport)) return this._innerScope.createOrReuseNamespaceScope(name, exported, ambient || this._ambient, hasExportStatement); return super.createOrReuseNamespaceScope(name, exported, ambient || this._ambient, hasExportStatement); } createOrReuseEnumScope(name, exported) { if (!exported && (!this._ambient || this._hasExport)) return this._innerScope.createOrReuseEnumScope(name, exported); return super.createOrReuseEnumScope(name, exported); } addUse(use, source) { if (source !== this._innerScope) return this._innerScope.addUse(use); this._uses.push(use); } refresh(ambient, hasExport) { this._ambient = ambient; this._hasExport = hasExport; } markExported(name, _as) { if (this._exports === undefined) this._exports = new Set(); this._exports.add(name.text); } getDestinationScope() { return this._innerScope; } } function getEntityNameParent(name) { let parent = name.parent; while (parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.QualifiedName) parent = parent.parent; return parent; } // TODO class decorators resolve outside of class, element and parameter decorator resolve inside/at the class // TODO computed property name resolves inside/at the cass // TODO this and super in all of them are resolved outside of the class class UsageWalker { constructor() { this._result = new Map(); } getUsage(sourceFile) { const variableCallback = (variable, key) => { this._result.set(key, variable); }; const isModule = ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile); this._scope = new RootScope(sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && isModule && !containsExportStatement(sourceFile), !isModule); const cb = (node) => { if (util_1.isBlockScopeBoundary(node)) return continueWithScope(node, new BlockScope(this._scope.getFunctionScope(), this._scope), handleBlockScope); switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: return continueWithScope(node, node.name !== undefined ? new ClassExpressionScope(node.name, this._scope) : new NonRootScope(this._scope, 1 /* Function */)); case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: this._handleDeclaration(node, true, 4 /* Value */ | 2 /* Type */); return continueWithScope(node, new NonRootScope(this._scope, 1 /* Function */)); case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: this._handleDeclaration(node, true, 2 /* Type */); return continueWithScope(node, new NonRootScope(this._scope, 4 /* Type */)); case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: this._handleDeclaration(node, true, 7 /* Any */); return continueWithScope(node, this._scope.createOrReuseEnumScope(node.name.text, util_1.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword))); case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return this._handleModule(node, continueWithScope); case ts.SyntaxKind.MappedType: return continueWithScope(node, new NonRootScope(this._scope, 4 /* Type */)); case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor: case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.CallSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructorType: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionType: return this._handleFunctionLikeDeclaration(node, cb, variableCallback); case ts.SyntaxKind.ConditionalType: return this._handleConditionalType(node, cb, variableCallback); // End of Scope specific handling case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList: this._handleVariableDeclaration(node); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.Parameter: if (node.parent.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.IndexSignature && (node.name.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier || node.name.originalKeywordKind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)) this._handleBindingName(node.name, false, false); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumMember: this._scope.addVariable(util_1.getPropertyName(node.name), node.name, 1 /* Function */, true, 4 /* Value */); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportClause: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: this._handleDeclaration(node, false, 7 /* Any */ | 8 /* Import */); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: this._scope.addVariable(node.name.text, node.name, node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InferType ? 8 /* InferType */ : 7 /* Type */, false, 2 /* Type */); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier: if (node.propertyName !== undefined) return this._scope.markExported(node.propertyName, node.name); return this._scope.markExported(node.name); case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: if (node.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) return this._scope.markExported(node.expression); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier: const domain = getUsageDomain(node); if (domain !== undefined) this._scope.addUse({ domain, location: node }); return; } return ts.forEachChild(node, cb); }; const continueWithScope = (node, scope, next = forEachChild) => { const savedScope = this._scope; this._scope = scope; next(node); this._scope.end(variableCallback); this._scope = savedScope; }; const handleBlockScope = (node) => { if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CatchClause && node.variableDeclaration !== undefined) this._handleBindingName(node.variableDeclaration.name, true, false); return ts.forEachChild(node, cb); }; ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, cb); this._scope.end(variableCallback); return this._result; function forEachChild(node) { return ts.forEachChild(node, cb); } } _handleConditionalType(node, cb, varCb) { const savedScope = this._scope; const scope = this._scope = new ConditionalTypeScope(savedScope); cb(node.checkType); scope.updateState(1 /* Extends */); cb(node.extendsType); scope.updateState(2 /* TrueType */); cb(node.trueType); scope.updateState(3 /* FalseType */); cb(node.falseType); scope.end(varCb); this._scope = savedScope; } _handleFunctionLikeDeclaration(node, cb, varCb) { if (node.decorators !== undefined) node.decorators.forEach(cb); const savedScope = this._scope; if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration) this._handleDeclaration(node, false, 4 /* Value */); const scope = this._scope = node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression && node.name !== undefined ? new FunctionExpressionScope(node.name, savedScope) : new FunctionScope(savedScope); if (node.name !== undefined) cb(node.name); if (node.typeParameters !== undefined) node.typeParameters.forEach(cb); node.parameters.forEach(cb); if (node.type !== undefined) cb(node.type); if (node.body !== undefined) { scope.beginBody(); cb(node.body); } scope.end(varCb); this._scope = savedScope; } _handleModule(node, next) { if (node.flags & ts.NodeFlags.GlobalAugmentation) return next(node, this._scope.createOrReuseNamespaceScope('-global', false, true, false)); if (node.name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) { const exported = isNamespaceExported(node); this._scope.addVariable(node.name.text, node.name, 1 /* Function */, exported, 1 /* Namespace */ | 4 /* Value */); const ambient = util_1.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword); return next(node, this._scope.createOrReuseNamespaceScope(node.name.text, exported, ambient, ambient && namespaceHasExportStatement(node))); } return next(node, this._scope.createOrReuseNamespaceScope(`"${node.name.text}"`, false, true, namespaceHasExportStatement(node))); } _handleDeclaration(node, blockScoped, domain) { if (node.name !== undefined) this._scope.addVariable(node.name.text, node.name, blockScoped ? 3 /* Block */ : 1 /* Function */, util_1.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword), domain); } _handleBindingName(name, blockScoped, exported) { if (name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) return this._scope.addVariable(name.text, name, blockScoped ? 3 /* Block */ : 1 /* Function */, exported, 4 /* Value */); util_1.forEachDestructuringIdentifier(name, (declaration) => { this._scope.addVariable(declaration.name.text, declaration.name, blockScoped ? 3 /* Block */ : 1 /* Function */, exported, 4 /* Value */); }); } _handleVariableDeclaration(declarationList) { const blockScoped = util_1.isBlockScopedVariableDeclarationList(declarationList); const exported = declarationList.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement && util_1.hasModifier(declarationList.parent.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword); for (const declaration of declarationList.declarations) this._handleBindingName(declaration.name, blockScoped, exported); } } function isNamespaceExported(node) { return node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration || util_1.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword); } function namespaceHasExportStatement(ns) { if (ns.body === undefined || ns.body.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock) return false; return containsExportStatement(ns.body); } function containsExportStatement(block) { for (const statement of block.statements) if (statement.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration || statement.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment) return true; return false; } //# sourceMappingURL=usage.js.map