/* Copyright 2018 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. */ import '../_version.js'; /** * Removes any URL search parameters that should be ignored. * * @param {URL} urlObject The original URL. * @param {Array} ignoreURLParametersMatching RegExps to test against * each search parameter name. Matches mean that the search parameter should be * ignored. * @return {URL} The URL with any ignored search parameters removed. * * @private * @memberof workbox-precaching */ export function removeIgnoredSearchParams(urlObject, ignoreURLParametersMatching = []) { // Convert the iterable into an array at the start of the loop to make sure // deletion doesn't mess up iteration. for (const paramName of [...urlObject.searchParams.keys()]) { if (ignoreURLParametersMatching.some((regExp) => regExp.test(paramName))) { urlObject.searchParams.delete(paramName); } } return urlObject; }