"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _path = require("path"); var _experimentalUtils = require("@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils"); var _utils = require("./utils"); const reportOnViolation = (context, node, { maxSize: lineLimit = 50, allowedSnapshots = {} }) => { const startLine = node.loc.start.line; const endLine = node.loc.end.line; const lineCount = endLine - startLine; const allPathsAreAbsolute = Object.keys(allowedSnapshots).every(_path.isAbsolute); if (!allPathsAreAbsolute) { throw new Error('All paths for allowedSnapshots must be absolute. You can use JS config and `path.resolve`'); } let isAllowed = false; if (node.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.ExpressionStatement && 'left' in node.expression && (0, _utils.isExpectMember)(node.expression.left)) { const fileName = context.getFilename(); const allowedSnapshotsInFile = allowedSnapshots[fileName]; if (allowedSnapshotsInFile) { const snapshotName = (0, _utils.getAccessorValue)(node.expression.left.property); isAllowed = allowedSnapshotsInFile.some(name => { if (name instanceof RegExp) { return name.test(snapshotName); } return snapshotName === name; }); } } if (!isAllowed && lineCount > lineLimit) { context.report({ messageId: lineLimit === 0 ? 'noSnapshot' : 'tooLongSnapshots', data: { lineLimit, lineCount }, node }); } }; var _default = (0, _utils.createRule)({ name: __filename, meta: { docs: { category: 'Best Practices', description: 'disallow large snapshots', recommended: false }, messages: { noSnapshot: '`{{ lineCount }}`s should begin with lowercase', tooLongSnapshots: 'Expected Jest snapshot to be smaller than {{ lineLimit }} lines but was {{ lineCount }} lines long' }, type: 'suggestion', schema: [{ type: 'object', properties: { maxSize: { type: 'number' }, inlineMaxSize: { type: 'number' }, allowedSnapshots: { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { type: 'array' } } }, additionalProperties: false }] }, defaultOptions: [{}], create(context, [options]) { if (context.getFilename().endsWith('.snap')) { return { ExpressionStatement(node) { reportOnViolation(context, node, options); } }; } return { CallExpression(node) { var _matcher$arguments; if (!(0, _utils.isExpectCall)(node)) { return; } const { matcher } = (0, _utils.parseExpectCall)(node); if ((matcher === null || matcher === void 0 ? void 0 : matcher.node.parent.type) !== _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression) { return; } if (['toMatchInlineSnapshot', 'toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot'].includes(matcher.name) && (_matcher$arguments = matcher.arguments) !== null && _matcher$arguments !== void 0 && _matcher$arguments.length) { var _options$inlineMaxSiz; reportOnViolation(context, matcher.arguments[0], { ...options, maxSize: (_options$inlineMaxSiz = options.inlineMaxSize) !== null && _options$inlineMaxSiz !== void 0 ? _options$inlineMaxSiz : options.maxSize }); } } }; } }); exports.default = _default;