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Get professional support for eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y on Tidelift # eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements. #### _Read this in [other languages]( [Mexican Spanish🇲🇽]( ## Why? This plugin does a static evaluation of the JSX to spot accessibility issues in React apps. Because it only catches errors in static code, use it in combination with [@axe-core/react]( to test the accessibility of the rendered DOM. Consider these tools just as one step of a larger a11y testing process and always test your apps with assistive technology. ## Installation **If you are installing this plugin via `eslint-config-airbnb`, please follow [these instructions](** You'll first need to install [ESLint]( ```sh # npm npm install eslint --save-dev # yarn yarn add eslint --dev ``` Next, install `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`: ```sh # npm npm install eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y --save-dev # yarn yarn add eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y --dev ``` **Note:** If you installed ESLint globally (using the `-g` flag in npm, or the `global` prefix in yarn) then you must also install `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y` globally. ## Usage Add `jsx-a11y` to the plugins section of your `.eslintrc` configuration file. You can omit the `eslint-plugin-` prefix: ```json { "plugins": ["jsx-a11y"] } ``` Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section. ```json { "rules": { "jsx-a11y/rule-name": 2 } } ``` You can also enable all the recommended or strict rules at once. Add `plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended` or `plugin:jsx-a11y/strict` in `extends`: ```json { "extends": ["plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended"] } ``` To enable your custom components to be checked as DOM elements, you can set global settings in your configuration file by mapping each custom component name to a DOM element type. ```json { "settings": { "jsx-a11y": { "components": { "CityInput": "input", "CustomButton": "button", "MyButton": "button", "RoundButton": "button" } } } } ``` ## Supported Rules - [alt-text]( Enforce all elements that require alternative text have meaningful information to relay back to end user. - [anchor-has-content]( Enforce all anchors to contain accessible content. - [anchor-is-valid]( Enforce all anchors are valid, navigable elements. - [aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex]( Enforce elements with aria-activedescendant are tabbable. - [aria-props]( Enforce all `aria-*` props are valid. - [aria-proptypes]( Enforce ARIA state and property values are valid. - [aria-role]( Enforce that elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA role. - [aria-unsupported-elements]( Enforce that elements that do not support ARIA roles, states, and properties do not have those attributes. - [autocomplete-valid]( Enforce that autocomplete attributes are used correctly. - [click-events-have-key-events]( Enforce a clickable non-interactive element has at least one keyboard event listener. - [heading-has-content]( Enforce heading (`h1`, `h2`, etc) elements contain accessible content. - [html-has-lang]( Enforce `` element has `lang` prop. - [iframe-has-title]( Enforce iframe elements have a title attribute. - [img-redundant-alt]( Enforce `` alt prop does not contain the word "image", "picture", or "photo". - [interactive-supports-focus]( Enforce that elements with interactive handlers like `onClick` must be focusable. - [label-has-associated-control]( Enforce that a `label` tag has a text label and an associated control. - [lang]( Enforce lang attribute has a valid value. - [media-has-caption]( Enforces that `