"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.toBeDisabled = toBeDisabled; exports.toBeEnabled = toBeEnabled; var _utils = require("./utils"); // form elements that support 'disabled' const FORM_TAGS = ['fieldset', 'input', 'select', 'optgroup', 'option', 'button', 'textarea']; /* * According to specification: * If
is disabled, the form controls that are its descendants, * except descendants of its first optional element, are disabled * * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-elements.html#concept-fieldset-disabled * * This method tests whether element is first legend child of fieldset parent */ function isFirstLegendChildOfFieldset(element, parent) { return (0, _utils.getTag)(element) === 'legend' && (0, _utils.getTag)(parent) === 'fieldset' && element.isSameNode(Array.from(parent.children).find(child => (0, _utils.getTag)(child) === 'legend')); } function isElementDisabledByParent(element, parent) { return isElementDisabled(parent) && !isFirstLegendChildOfFieldset(element, parent); } function isCustomElement(tag) { return tag.includes('-'); } /* * Only certain form elements and custom elements can actually be disabled: * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics-other.html#disabled-elements */ function canElementBeDisabled(element) { const tag = (0, _utils.getTag)(element); return FORM_TAGS.includes(tag) || isCustomElement(tag); } function isElementDisabled(element) { return canElementBeDisabled(element) && element.hasAttribute('disabled'); } function isAncestorDisabled(element) { const parent = element.parentElement; return Boolean(parent) && (isElementDisabledByParent(element, parent) || isAncestorDisabled(parent)); } function isElementOrAncestorDisabled(element) { return canElementBeDisabled(element) && (isElementDisabled(element) || isAncestorDisabled(element)); } function toBeDisabled(element) { (0, _utils.checkHtmlElement)(element, toBeDisabled, this); const isDisabled = isElementOrAncestorDisabled(element); return { pass: isDisabled, message: () => { const is = isDisabled ? 'is' : 'is not'; return [this.utils.matcherHint(`${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeDisabled`, 'element', ''), '', `Received element ${is} disabled:`, ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element.cloneNode(false))}`].join('\n'); } }; } function toBeEnabled(element) { (0, _utils.checkHtmlElement)(element, toBeEnabled, this); const isEnabled = !isElementOrAncestorDisabled(element); return { pass: isEnabled, message: () => { const is = isEnabled ? 'is' : 'is not'; return [this.utils.matcherHint(`${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeEnabled`, 'element', ''), '', `Received element ${is} enabled:`, ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element.cloneNode(false))}`].join('\n'); } }; }