"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.toHaveDisplayValue = toHaveDisplayValue; var _utils = require("./utils"); function toHaveDisplayValue(htmlElement, expectedValue) { (0, _utils.checkHtmlElement)(htmlElement, toHaveDisplayValue, this); const tagName = htmlElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (!['select', 'input', 'textarea'].includes(tagName)) { throw new Error('.toHaveDisplayValue() currently supports only input, textarea or select elements, try with another matcher instead.'); } if (tagName === 'input' && ['radio', 'checkbox'].includes(htmlElement.type)) { throw new Error(`.toHaveDisplayValue() currently does not support input[type="${htmlElement.type}"], try with another matcher instead.`); } const values = getValues(tagName, htmlElement); const expectedValues = getExpectedValues(expectedValue); const numberOfMatchesWithValues = expectedValues.filter(expected => values.some(value => expected instanceof RegExp ? expected.test(value) : this.equals(value, String(expected)))).length; const matchedWithAllValues = numberOfMatchesWithValues === values.length; const matchedWithAllExpectedValues = numberOfMatchesWithValues === expectedValues.length; return { pass: matchedWithAllValues && matchedWithAllExpectedValues, message: () => (0, _utils.getMessage)(this, this.utils.matcherHint(`${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveDisplayValue`, 'element', ''), `Expected element ${this.isNot ? 'not ' : ''}to have display value`, expectedValue, 'Received', values) }; } function getValues(tagName, htmlElement) { return tagName === 'select' ? Array.from(htmlElement).filter(option => option.selected).map(option => option.textContent) : [htmlElement.value]; } function getExpectedValues(expectedValue) { return expectedValue instanceof Array ? expectedValue : [expectedValue]; }