'use strict'; const pragmaUtil = require('./pragma'); const variableUtil = require('./variable'); /** * Check if variable is destructured from pragma import * * @param {string} variable The variable name to check * @param {Context} context eslint context * @returns {Boolean} True if createElement is destructured from the pragma */ module.exports = function isDestructuredFromPragmaImport(variable, context) { const pragma = pragmaUtil.getFromContext(context); const variables = variableUtil.variablesInScope(context); const variableInScope = variableUtil.getVariable(variables, variable); if (variableInScope) { const latestDef = variableUtil.getLatestVariableDefinition(variableInScope); if (latestDef) { // check if latest definition is a variable declaration: 'variable = value' if (latestDef.node.type === 'VariableDeclarator' && latestDef.node.init) { // check for: 'variable = pragma.variable' if ( latestDef.node.init.type === 'MemberExpression' && latestDef.node.init.object.type === 'Identifier' && latestDef.node.init.object.name === pragma ) { return true; } // check for: '{variable} = pragma' if ( latestDef.node.init.type === 'Identifier' && latestDef.node.init.name === pragma ) { return true; } // "require('react')" let requireExpression = null; // get "require('react')" from: "{variable} = require('react')" if (latestDef.node.init.type === 'CallExpression') { requireExpression = latestDef.node.init; } // get "require('react')" from: "variable = require('react').variable" if ( !requireExpression && latestDef.node.init.type === 'MemberExpression' && latestDef.node.init.object.type === 'CallExpression' ) { requireExpression = latestDef.node.init.object; } // check proper require. if ( requireExpression && requireExpression.callee && requireExpression.callee.name === 'require' && requireExpression.arguments[0] && requireExpression.arguments[0].value === pragma.toLocaleLowerCase() ) { return true; } return false; } // latest definition is an import declaration: import {} from 'react' if ( latestDef.parent && latestDef.parent.type === 'ImportDeclaration' && latestDef.parent.source.value === pragma.toLocaleLowerCase() ) { return true; } } } return false; };