/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const WebpackError = require("./WebpackError"); const ConstDependency = require("./dependencies/ConstDependency"); const BasicEvaluatedExpression = require("./javascript/BasicEvaluatedExpression"); const { evaluateToString, toConstantDependency } = require("./javascript/JavascriptParserHelpers"); const createHash = require("./util/createHash"); /** @typedef {import("estree").Expression} Expression */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./NormalModule")} NormalModule */ /** @typedef {import("./RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("./javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */ /** @typedef {null|undefined|RegExp|Function|string|number|boolean|bigint|undefined} CodeValuePrimitive */ /** @typedef {RecursiveArrayOrRecord<CodeValuePrimitive|RuntimeValue>} CodeValue */ /** * @typedef {Object} RuntimeValueOptions * @property {string[]=} fileDependencies * @property {string[]=} contextDependencies * @property {string[]=} missingDependencies * @property {string[]=} buildDependencies * @property {string|function(): string=} version */ class RuntimeValue { /** * @param {function({ module: NormalModule, key: string, readonly version: string | undefined }): CodeValuePrimitive} fn generator function * @param {true | string[] | RuntimeValueOptions=} options options */ constructor(fn, options) { this.fn = fn; if (Array.isArray(options)) { options = { fileDependencies: options }; } this.options = options || {}; } get fileDependencies() { return this.options === true ? true : this.options.fileDependencies; } /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser * @param {Map<string, string | Set<string>>} valueCacheVersions valueCacheVersions * @param {string} key the defined key * @returns {CodeValuePrimitive} code */ exec(parser, valueCacheVersions, key) { const buildInfo = parser.state.module.buildInfo; if (this.options === true) { buildInfo.cacheable = false; } else { if (this.options.fileDependencies) { for (const dep of this.options.fileDependencies) { buildInfo.fileDependencies.add(dep); } } if (this.options.contextDependencies) { for (const dep of this.options.contextDependencies) { buildInfo.contextDependencies.add(dep); } } if (this.options.missingDependencies) { for (const dep of this.options.missingDependencies) { buildInfo.missingDependencies.add(dep); } } if (this.options.buildDependencies) { for (const dep of this.options.buildDependencies) { buildInfo.buildDependencies.add(dep); } } } return this.fn({ module: parser.state.module, key, get version() { return /** @type {string} */ ( valueCacheVersions.get(VALUE_DEP_PREFIX + key) ); } }); } getCacheVersion() { return this.options === true ? undefined : (typeof this.options.version === "function" ? this.options.version() : this.options.version) || "unset"; } } /** * @param {any[]|{[k: string]: any}} obj obj * @param {JavascriptParser} parser Parser * @param {Map<string, string | Set<string>>} valueCacheVersions valueCacheVersions * @param {string} key the defined key * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @param {boolean|undefined|null=} asiSafe asi safe (undefined: unknown, null: unneeded) * @returns {string} code converted to string that evaluates */ const stringifyObj = ( obj, parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, asiSafe ) => { let code; let arr = Array.isArray(obj); if (arr) { code = `[${obj .map(code => toCode(code, parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, null) ) .join(",")}]`; } else { code = `{${Object.keys(obj) .map(key => { const code = obj[key]; return ( JSON.stringify(key) + ":" + toCode(code, parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, null) ); }) .join(",")}}`; } switch (asiSafe) { case null: return code; case true: return arr ? code : `(${code})`; case false: return arr ? `;${code}` : `;(${code})`; default: return `/*#__PURE__*/Object(${code})`; } }; /** * Convert code to a string that evaluates * @param {CodeValue} code Code to evaluate * @param {JavascriptParser} parser Parser * @param {Map<string, string | Set<string>>} valueCacheVersions valueCacheVersions * @param {string} key the defined key * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @param {boolean|undefined|null=} asiSafe asi safe (undefined: unknown, null: unneeded) * @returns {string} code converted to string that evaluates */ const toCode = ( code, parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, asiSafe ) => { if (code === null) { return "null"; } if (code === undefined) { return "undefined"; } if (Object.is(code, -0)) { return "-0"; } if (code instanceof RuntimeValue) { return toCode( code.exec(parser, valueCacheVersions, key), parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, asiSafe ); } if (code instanceof RegExp && code.toString) { return code.toString(); } if (typeof code === "function" && code.toString) { return "(" + code.toString() + ")"; } if (typeof code === "object") { return stringifyObj( code, parser, valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, asiSafe ); } if (typeof code === "bigint") { return runtimeTemplate.supportsBigIntLiteral() ? `${code}n` : `BigInt("${code}")`; } return code + ""; }; const toCacheVersion = code => { if (code === null) { return "null"; } if (code === undefined) { return "undefined"; } if (Object.is(code, -0)) { return "-0"; } if (code instanceof RuntimeValue) { return code.getCacheVersion(); } if (code instanceof RegExp && code.toString) { return code.toString(); } if (typeof code === "function" && code.toString) { return "(" + code.toString() + ")"; } if (typeof code === "object") { const items = Object.keys(code).map(key => ({ key, value: toCacheVersion(code[key]) })); if (items.some(({ value }) => value === undefined)) return undefined; return `{${items.map(({ key, value }) => `${key}: ${value}`).join(", ")}}`; } if (typeof code === "bigint") { return `${code}n`; } return code + ""; }; const VALUE_DEP_PREFIX = "webpack/DefinePlugin "; const VALUE_DEP_MAIN = "webpack/DefinePlugin_hash"; class DefinePlugin { /** * Create a new define plugin * @param {Record<string, CodeValue>} definitions A map of global object definitions */ constructor(definitions) { this.definitions = definitions; } /** * @param {function({ module: NormalModule, key: string, readonly version: string | undefined }): CodeValuePrimitive} fn generator function * @param {true | string[] | RuntimeValueOptions=} options options * @returns {RuntimeValue} runtime value */ static runtimeValue(fn, options) { return new RuntimeValue(fn, options); } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { const definitions = this.definitions; compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( "DefinePlugin", (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyTemplates.set( ConstDependency, new ConstDependency.Template() ); const { runtimeTemplate } = compilation; const mainHash = createHash(compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction); mainHash.update( /** @type {string} */ ( compilation.valueCacheVersions.get(VALUE_DEP_MAIN) ) || "" ); /** * Handler * @param {JavascriptParser} parser Parser * @returns {void} */ const handler = parser => { const mainValue = compilation.valueCacheVersions.get(VALUE_DEP_MAIN); parser.hooks.program.tap("DefinePlugin", () => { const { buildInfo } = parser.state.module; if (!buildInfo.valueDependencies) buildInfo.valueDependencies = new Map(); buildInfo.valueDependencies.set(VALUE_DEP_MAIN, mainValue); }); const addValueDependency = key => { const { buildInfo } = parser.state.module; buildInfo.valueDependencies.set( VALUE_DEP_PREFIX + key, compilation.valueCacheVersions.get(VALUE_DEP_PREFIX + key) ); }; const withValueDependency = (key, fn) => (...args) => { addValueDependency(key); return fn(...args); }; /** * Walk definitions * @param {Object} definitions Definitions map * @param {string} prefix Prefix string * @returns {void} */ const walkDefinitions = (definitions, prefix) => { Object.keys(definitions).forEach(key => { const code = definitions[key]; if ( code && typeof code === "object" && !(code instanceof RuntimeValue) && !(code instanceof RegExp) ) { walkDefinitions(code, prefix + key + "."); applyObjectDefine(prefix + key, code); return; } applyDefineKey(prefix, key); applyDefine(prefix + key, code); }); }; /** * Apply define key * @param {string} prefix Prefix * @param {string} key Key * @returns {void} */ const applyDefineKey = (prefix, key) => { const splittedKey = key.split("."); splittedKey.slice(1).forEach((_, i) => { const fullKey = prefix + splittedKey.slice(0, i + 1).join("."); parser.hooks.canRename.for(fullKey).tap("DefinePlugin", () => { addValueDependency(key); return true; }); }); }; /** * Apply Code * @param {string} key Key * @param {CodeValue} code Code * @returns {void} */ const applyDefine = (key, code) => { const originalKey = key; const isTypeof = /^typeof\s+/.test(key); if (isTypeof) key = key.replace(/^typeof\s+/, ""); let recurse = false; let recurseTypeof = false; if (!isTypeof) { parser.hooks.canRename.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", () => { addValueDependency(originalKey); return true; }); parser.hooks.evaluateIdentifier .for(key) .tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { /** * this is needed in case there is a recursion in the DefinePlugin * to prevent an endless recursion * e.g.: new DefinePlugin({ * "a": "b", * "b": "a" * }); */ if (recurse) return; addValueDependency(originalKey); recurse = true; const res = parser.evaluate( toCode( code, parser, compilation.valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, null ) ); recurse = false; res.setRange(expr.range); return res; }); parser.hooks.expression.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { addValueDependency(originalKey); const strCode = toCode( code, parser, compilation.valueCacheVersions, originalKey, runtimeTemplate, !parser.isAsiPosition(expr.range[0]) ); if (/__webpack_require__\s*(!?\.)/.test(strCode)) { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode, [ RuntimeGlobals.require ])(expr); } else if (/__webpack_require__/.test(strCode)) { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode, [ RuntimeGlobals.requireScope ])(expr); } else { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode)(expr); } }); } parser.hooks.evaluateTypeof.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { /** * this is needed in case there is a recursion in the DefinePlugin * to prevent an endless recursion * e.g.: new DefinePlugin({ * "typeof a": "typeof b", * "typeof b": "typeof a" * }); */ if (recurseTypeof) return; recurseTypeof = true; addValueDependency(originalKey); const codeCode = toCode( code, parser, compilation.valueCacheVersions, originalKey, runtimeTemplate, null ); const typeofCode = isTypeof ? codeCode : "typeof (" + codeCode + ")"; const res = parser.evaluate(typeofCode); recurseTypeof = false; res.setRange(expr.range); return res; }); parser.hooks.typeof.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { addValueDependency(originalKey); const codeCode = toCode( code, parser, compilation.valueCacheVersions, originalKey, runtimeTemplate, null ); const typeofCode = isTypeof ? codeCode : "typeof (" + codeCode + ")"; const res = parser.evaluate(typeofCode); if (!res.isString()) return; return toConstantDependency( parser, JSON.stringify(res.string) ).bind(parser)(expr); }); }; /** * Apply Object * @param {string} key Key * @param {Object} obj Object * @returns {void} */ const applyObjectDefine = (key, obj) => { parser.hooks.canRename.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", () => { addValueDependency(key); return true; }); parser.hooks.evaluateIdentifier .for(key) .tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { addValueDependency(key); return new BasicEvaluatedExpression() .setTruthy() .setSideEffects(false) .setRange(expr.range); }); parser.hooks.evaluateTypeof .for(key) .tap( "DefinePlugin", withValueDependency(key, evaluateToString("object")) ); parser.hooks.expression.for(key).tap("DefinePlugin", expr => { addValueDependency(key); const strCode = stringifyObj( obj, parser, compilation.valueCacheVersions, key, runtimeTemplate, !parser.isAsiPosition(expr.range[0]) ); if (/__webpack_require__\s*(!?\.)/.test(strCode)) { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode, [ RuntimeGlobals.require ])(expr); } else if (/__webpack_require__/.test(strCode)) { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode, [ RuntimeGlobals.requireScope ])(expr); } else { return toConstantDependency(parser, strCode)(expr); } }); parser.hooks.typeof .for(key) .tap( "DefinePlugin", withValueDependency( key, toConstantDependency(parser, JSON.stringify("object")) ) ); }; walkDefinitions(definitions, ""); }; normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for("javascript/auto") .tap("DefinePlugin", handler); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for("javascript/dynamic") .tap("DefinePlugin", handler); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for("javascript/esm") .tap("DefinePlugin", handler); /** * Walk definitions * @param {Object} definitions Definitions map * @param {string} prefix Prefix string * @returns {void} */ const walkDefinitionsForValues = (definitions, prefix) => { Object.keys(definitions).forEach(key => { const code = definitions[key]; const version = toCacheVersion(code); const name = VALUE_DEP_PREFIX + prefix + key; mainHash.update("|" + prefix + key); const oldVersion = compilation.valueCacheVersions.get(name); if (oldVersion === undefined) { compilation.valueCacheVersions.set(name, version); } else if (oldVersion !== version) { const warning = new WebpackError( `DefinePlugin\nConflicting values for '${prefix + key}'` ); warning.details = `'${oldVersion}' !== '${version}'`; warning.hideStack = true; compilation.warnings.push(warning); } if ( code && typeof code === "object" && !(code instanceof RuntimeValue) && !(code instanceof RegExp) ) { walkDefinitionsForValues(code, prefix + key + "."); } }); }; walkDefinitionsForValues(definitions, ""); compilation.valueCacheVersions.set( VALUE_DEP_MAIN, /** @type {string} */ (mainHash.digest("hex").slice(0, 8)) ); } ); } } module.exports = DefinePlugin;