import { deepNormalizeScriptCov, normalizeFunctionCov, normalizeProcessCov, normalizeRangeTree, normalizeScriptCov, } from "./normalize"; import { RangeTree } from "./range-tree"; import { FunctionCov, ProcessCov, Range, RangeCov, ScriptCov } from "./types"; /** * Merges a list of process coverages. * * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param processCovs Process coverages to merge. * @return Merged process coverage. */ export function mergeProcessCovs(processCovs: ReadonlyArray): ProcessCov { if (processCovs.length === 0) { return {result: []}; } const urlToScripts: Map = new Map(); for (const processCov of processCovs) { for (const scriptCov of processCov.result) { let scriptCovs: ScriptCov[] | undefined = urlToScripts.get(scriptCov.url); if (scriptCovs === undefined) { scriptCovs = []; urlToScripts.set(scriptCov.url, scriptCovs); } scriptCovs.push(scriptCov); } } const result: ScriptCov[] = []; for (const scripts of urlToScripts.values()) { // assert: `scripts.length > 0` result.push(mergeScriptCovs(scripts)!); } const merged: ProcessCov = {result}; normalizeProcessCov(merged); return merged; } /** * Merges a list of matching script coverages. * * Scripts are matching if they have the same `url`. * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param scriptCovs Process coverages to merge. * @return Merged script coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty. */ export function mergeScriptCovs(scriptCovs: ReadonlyArray): ScriptCov | undefined { if (scriptCovs.length === 0) { return undefined; } else if (scriptCovs.length === 1) { const merged: ScriptCov = scriptCovs[0]; deepNormalizeScriptCov(merged); return merged; } const first: ScriptCov = scriptCovs[0]; const scriptId: string = first.scriptId; const url: string = first.url; const rangeToFuncs: Map = new Map(); for (const scriptCov of scriptCovs) { for (const funcCov of scriptCov.functions) { const rootRange: string = stringifyFunctionRootRange(funcCov); let funcCovs: FunctionCov[] | undefined = rangeToFuncs.get(rootRange); if (funcCovs === undefined || // if the entry in rangeToFuncs is function-level granularity and // the new coverage is block-level, prefer block-level. (!funcCovs[0].isBlockCoverage && funcCov.isBlockCoverage)) { funcCovs = []; rangeToFuncs.set(rootRange, funcCovs); } else if (funcCovs[0].isBlockCoverage && !funcCov.isBlockCoverage) { // if the entry in rangeToFuncs is block-level granularity, we should // not append function level granularity. continue; } funcCovs.push(funcCov); } } const functions: FunctionCov[] = []; for (const funcCovs of rangeToFuncs.values()) { // assert: `funcCovs.length > 0` functions.push(mergeFunctionCovs(funcCovs)!); } const merged: ScriptCov = {scriptId, url, functions}; normalizeScriptCov(merged); return merged; } /** * Returns a string representation of the root range of the function. * * This string can be used to match function with same root range. * The string is derived from the start and end offsets of the root range of * the function. * This assumes that `ranges` is non-empty (true for valid function coverages). * * @param funcCov Function coverage with the range to stringify * @internal */ function stringifyFunctionRootRange(funcCov: Readonly): string { const rootRange: RangeCov = funcCov.ranges[0]; return `${rootRange.startOffset.toString(10)};${rootRange.endOffset.toString(10)}`; } /** * Merges a list of matching function coverages. * * Functions are matching if their root ranges have the same span. * The result is normalized. * The input values may be mutated, it is not safe to use them after passing * them to this function. * The computation is synchronous. * * @param funcCovs Function coverages to merge. * @return Merged function coverage, or `undefined` if the input list was empty. */ export function mergeFunctionCovs(funcCovs: ReadonlyArray): FunctionCov | undefined { if (funcCovs.length === 0) { return undefined; } else if (funcCovs.length === 1) { const merged: FunctionCov = funcCovs[0]; normalizeFunctionCov(merged); return merged; } const functionName: string = funcCovs[0].functionName; const trees: RangeTree[] = []; for (const funcCov of funcCovs) { // assert: `fn.ranges.length > 0` // assert: `fn.ranges` is sorted trees.push(RangeTree.fromSortedRanges(funcCov.ranges)!); } // assert: `trees.length > 0` const mergedTree: RangeTree = mergeRangeTrees(trees)!; normalizeRangeTree(mergedTree); const ranges: RangeCov[] = mergedTree.toRanges(); const isBlockCoverage: boolean = !(ranges.length === 1 && ranges[0].count === 0); const merged: FunctionCov = {functionName, ranges, isBlockCoverage}; // assert: `merged` is normalized return merged; } /** * @precondition Same `start` and `end` for all the trees */ function mergeRangeTrees(trees: ReadonlyArray): RangeTree | undefined { if (trees.length <= 1) { return trees[0]; } const first: RangeTree = trees[0]; let delta: number = 0; for (const tree of trees) { delta +=; } const children: RangeTree[] = mergeRangeTreeChildren(trees); return new RangeTree(first.start, first.end, delta, children); } class RangeTreeWithParent { readonly parentIndex: number; readonly tree: RangeTree; constructor(parentIndex: number, tree: RangeTree) { this.parentIndex = parentIndex; this.tree = tree; } } class StartEvent { readonly offset: number; readonly trees: RangeTreeWithParent[]; constructor(offset: number, trees: RangeTreeWithParent[]) { this.offset = offset; this.trees = trees; } static compare(a: StartEvent, b: StartEvent): number { return a.offset - b.offset; } } class StartEventQueue { private readonly queue: StartEvent[]; private nextIndex: number; private pendingOffset: number; private pendingTrees: RangeTreeWithParent[] | undefined; private constructor(queue: StartEvent[]) { this.queue = queue; this.nextIndex = 0; this.pendingOffset = 0; this.pendingTrees = undefined; } static fromParentTrees(parentTrees: ReadonlyArray): StartEventQueue { const startToTrees: Map = new Map(); for (const [parentIndex, parentTree] of parentTrees.entries()) { for (const child of parentTree.children) { let trees: RangeTreeWithParent[] | undefined = startToTrees.get(child.start); if (trees === undefined) { trees = []; startToTrees.set(child.start, trees); } trees.push(new RangeTreeWithParent(parentIndex, child)); } } const queue: StartEvent[] = []; for (const [startOffset, trees] of startToTrees) { queue.push(new StartEvent(startOffset, trees)); } queue.sort(; return new StartEventQueue(queue); } setPendingOffset(offset: number): void { this.pendingOffset = offset; } pushPendingTree(tree: RangeTreeWithParent): void { if (this.pendingTrees === undefined) { this.pendingTrees = []; } this.pendingTrees.push(tree); } next(): StartEvent | undefined { const pendingTrees: RangeTreeWithParent[] | undefined = this.pendingTrees; const nextEvent: StartEvent | undefined = this.queue[this.nextIndex]; if (pendingTrees === undefined) { this.nextIndex++; return nextEvent; } else if (nextEvent === undefined) { this.pendingTrees = undefined; return new StartEvent(this.pendingOffset, pendingTrees); } else { if (this.pendingOffset < nextEvent.offset) { this.pendingTrees = undefined; return new StartEvent(this.pendingOffset, pendingTrees); } else { if (this.pendingOffset === nextEvent.offset) { this.pendingTrees = undefined; for (const tree of pendingTrees) { nextEvent.trees.push(tree); } } this.nextIndex++; return nextEvent; } } } } function mergeRangeTreeChildren(parentTrees: ReadonlyArray): RangeTree[] { const result: RangeTree[] = []; const startEventQueue: StartEventQueue = StartEventQueue.fromParentTrees(parentTrees); const parentToNested: Map = new Map(); let openRange: Range | undefined; while (true) { const event: StartEvent | undefined =; if (event === undefined) { break; } if (openRange !== undefined && openRange.end <= event.offset) { result.push(nextChild(openRange, parentToNested)); openRange = undefined; } if (openRange === undefined) { let openRangeEnd: number = event.offset + 1; for (const {parentIndex, tree} of event.trees) { openRangeEnd = Math.max(openRangeEnd, tree.end); insertChild(parentToNested, parentIndex, tree); } startEventQueue.setPendingOffset(openRangeEnd); openRange = {start: event.offset, end: openRangeEnd}; } else { for (const {parentIndex, tree} of event.trees) { if (tree.end > openRange.end) { const right: RangeTree = tree.split(openRange.end); startEventQueue.pushPendingTree(new RangeTreeWithParent(parentIndex, right)); } insertChild(parentToNested, parentIndex, tree); } } } if (openRange !== undefined) { result.push(nextChild(openRange, parentToNested)); } return result; } function insertChild(parentToNested: Map, parentIndex: number, tree: RangeTree): void { let nested: RangeTree[] | undefined = parentToNested.get(parentIndex); if (nested === undefined) { nested = []; parentToNested.set(parentIndex, nested); } nested.push(tree); } function nextChild(openRange: Range, parentToNested: Map): RangeTree { const matchingTrees: RangeTree[] = []; for (const nested of parentToNested.values()) { if (nested.length === 1 && nested[0].start === openRange.start && nested[0].end === openRange.end) { matchingTrees.push(nested[0]); } else { matchingTrees.push(new RangeTree( openRange.start, openRange.end, 0, nested, )); } } parentToNested.clear(); return mergeRangeTrees(matchingTrees)!; }