/** * Partial implementation https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.2/#tree_exclusion * which should only be used for elements with a non-presentational role i.e. * `role="none"` and `role="presentation"` will not be excluded. * * Implements aria-hidden semantics (i.e. parent overrides child) * Ignores "Child Presentational: True" characteristics * * @param element * @param options * @returns {boolean} true if excluded, otherwise false */ export function isInaccessible(element) { var _element$ownerDocumen; var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var _options$getComputedS = options.getComputedStyle, getComputedStyle = _options$getComputedS === void 0 ? (_element$ownerDocumen = element.ownerDocument.defaultView) === null || _element$ownerDocumen === void 0 ? void 0 : _element$ownerDocumen.getComputedStyle : _options$getComputedS, _options$isSubtreeIna = options.isSubtreeInaccessible, isSubtreeInaccessibleImpl = _options$isSubtreeIna === void 0 ? isSubtreeInaccessible : _options$isSubtreeIna; if (typeof getComputedStyle !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Owner document of the element needs to have an associated window."); } // since visibility is inherited we can exit early if (getComputedStyle(element).visibility === "hidden") { return true; } var currentElement = element; while (currentElement) { if (isSubtreeInaccessibleImpl(currentElement, { getComputedStyle: getComputedStyle })) { return true; } currentElement = currentElement.parentElement; } return false; } /** * * @param element * @param options * @returns {boolean} - `true` if every child of the element is inaccessible */ export function isSubtreeInaccessible(element) { var _element$ownerDocumen2; var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var _options$getComputedS2 = options.getComputedStyle, getComputedStyle = _options$getComputedS2 === void 0 ? (_element$ownerDocumen2 = element.ownerDocument.defaultView) === null || _element$ownerDocumen2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _element$ownerDocumen2.getComputedStyle : _options$getComputedS2; if (typeof getComputedStyle !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Owner document of the element needs to have an associated window."); } if (element.hidden === true) { return true; } if (element.getAttribute("aria-hidden") === "true") { return true; } if (getComputedStyle(element).display === "none") { return true; } return false; } //# sourceMappingURL=is-inaccessible.mjs.map