'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = extractValueFromCallExpression; /** * Extractor function for a CallExpression type value node. * A call expression looks like `bar()` * This will return `bar` as the value to indicate its existence, * since we can not execute the function bar in a static environment. * * @param - value - AST Value object with type `CallExpression` * @returns - The extracted value converted to correct type. */ function extractValueFromCallExpression(value) { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require var getValue = require('.').default; var args = Array.isArray(value.arguments) ? value.arguments.map(function (x) { return getValue(x); }).join(', ') : ''; return '' + getValue(value.callee) + (value.optional ? '?.' : '') + '(' + args + ')'; }