You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.9 KiB

module.exports = {
content: ["./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}"],
theme: {
extend: {},
textColor: (theme) => ({
// used in ProductDesign Component
discountPriceTitle: "#4ACA53",
productTitle: "#246E8A",
productContent: "#707070",
productStar: "#F7FF00",
productPrice: "#132F52",
productBorderBtn: "FFF3F3",
productTag: "#38A1B6",
borderColor: "#dbdbdb",
selectColor1: "#924EEB",
selectColor2: "#89ECFF",
selectColor3: "#FC5353",
selectColor4: "#FCF653",
lightBlueTextColor: "#06BACE",
grayTextColor: "#646464",
lightOrangeTextColor: "#F7B605",
lightYellowTextColor: "#C8EE49",
lightGreenTextColor: "#5DCE06",
lightPurpleTextColor: "#A680FF",
darkBlueTextColor: "#0615CE",
backgroundColor: (theme) => ({
// used in ProductDesign Component
productTagBg: "#E1FAFF",
likeBtnBg: "#FFF3F3",
discountPriceBg: "#F0FFF1",
counterBg: "#66B1EB",
incrementDecrementBg: "#2E7AB5",
darkGreenBg: "#038A99",
midGrayBgColor: "#DBDBDB",
lightOrangeBgColor: "#F7B60511",
lightYellowBgColor: "#CEFE2D11", //opacity should be 10 % instead of 100%
lightBlueBgColor: "#8891FC11", //opacity should be 10 % instead of 100%
lightGreenBgColor: "#5DCE0611", //opacity should be 3 % instead of 100%
lightPurpleBgColor: "#A680FF11", //opacity should be 8 % instead of 100%
borderColor: (theme) => ({
// used in ProductDesign Component
productDesignBorderColor: "#F3F3F3",
lightBlueBorderColor: "#06BACE",
grayBorderColor: "#C3C3C3",
lightOrangeBorderColor: "#F7B605",
lightYellowBorderColor: "#CFFF2D",
lightGreenBorderColor: "#5DCE06",
lightPurpleBorderColor: "#A680FF",
darkBlueBorderColor: "#0615CE",
plugins: [],