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# bufferstreams |
> Abstract streams to deal with the whole buffered contents. |
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[//]: # (::contents:start) |
`bufferstreams` abstracts streams to allow you to deal with their whole content |
in a single buffer when it becomes necessary (by example: a legacy library that |
do not support streams). |
It is not a good practice, just some glue. Using `bufferstreams` means: |
* there is no library dealing with streams for your needs |
* you filled an issue to the wrapped library to support streams |
`bufferstreams` can also be used to control the whole stream content in a single |
point of a streaming pipeline for testing purposes. |
## Usage |
Install the [npm module](https://npmjs.org/package/bufferstreams): |
```sh |
npm install bufferstreams --save |
``` |
Then, in your scripts: |
```js |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var bufferstreams = require('bufferstreams'); |
fs.createReadStream('input.txt') |
.pipe(new bufferstreams(function(err, buf, cb) { |
// err will be filled with an error if the piped in stream emits one. |
if(err) { |
throw err; |
} |
// buf will contain the whole piped in stream contents |
buf = Buffer(buf.toString('utf-8').replace('foo', 'bar')); |
// cb is a callback to pass the result back to the piped out stream |
// first argument is an error that will be emitted if any |
// the second argument is the modified buffer |
cb(null, buf); |
})) |
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('output.txt')); |
``` |
Note that you can use `bufferstreams` with the objectMode option. In this case, |
the given buffer will be an array containing the streamed objects: |
```js |
new BufferStreams({objectMode: true}, myCallback); |
``` |
## API |
### Stream : BufferStreams([options], callback) |
#### options |
##### options.objectMode |
Type: `Boolean` |
Default value: `false` |
Use if piped in streams are in object mode. In this case, an array of the |
buffered will be transmitted to the `callback` function. |
##### options.* |
`bufferstreams` inherits of Stream.Duplex, the options are passed to the |
parent constructor so you can use it's options too. |
##### callback(err, buf, cb) |
Type: `Function`, required. |
A function to handle the buffered content. |
## Stats |
[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/bufferstreams.png?downloads=true&stars=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/bufferstreams/) |
[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm-dl/bufferstreams.png)](https://nodei.co/npm/bufferstreams/) |
## Contributing |
Feel free to pull your code if you agree with publishing it under the MIT license. |
[//]: # (::contents:end) |
# Authors |
- [Nicolas Froidure](http://insertafter.com/en/index.html) |
# License |