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# move-file
> Move a file
The built-in [`fs.rename()`]( is just a JavaScript wrapper for the C `rename(2)` function, which doesn't support moving files across partitions or devices. This module is what you would have expected `fs.rename()` to be.
## Highlights
- Promise API.
- Supports moving a file across partitions and devices.
- Optionally prevent overwriting an existing file.
- Creates non-existent destination directories for you.
## Install
$ npm install move-file
## Usage
const moveFile = require('move-file');
(async () => {
await moveFile('source/unicorn.png', 'destination/unicorn.png');
console.log('The file has been moved');
## API
### moveFile(source, destination, options?)
Returns a `Promise` that resolves when the file has been moved.
### moveFile.sync(source, destination, options?)
#### source
Type: `string`
File you want to move.
#### destination
Type: `string`
Where you want the file moved.
#### options
Type: `object`
##### overwrite
Type: `boolean`\
Default: `true`
Overwrite existing destination file.
##### directoryMode
Type: `number`\
Default: `0o777`
[Permissions]( for created directories.
It has no effect on Windows.
## Related
- [move-file-cli]( - CLI for this module
- [cp-file]( - Copy a file
- [cpy]( - Copy files
- [make-dir]( - Make a directory and its parents if needed