You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1.1 KiB

slug title
infinity Infinite Carousel

Carousel is infinite at default

import {Carousel} from '@trendyol-js/react-carousel'; export const Highlight = ({children, color}) => ( <span style={{ backgroundColor: color, borderRadius: '2px', color: '#fff', padding: '90px 0', display: 'block', height: '200px', margin: '16px 16px 16px 0', }}> {children} );

<Carousel className={'exampleCarousel1'} show={3.5} slide={2} transition={0.5}> We love Trendyol orange This is our github We love Trendyol green This is our website

<Carousel show={3.5} slide={2} transition={0.5}>
	<Highlight color="#f27a1a">We love Trendyol orange</Highlight>
	<Highlight color="#d53f8c">This is our github</Highlight>
	<Highlight color="#16be48">We love Trendyol green</Highlight>
	<Highlight color="#3f51b5">This is our website</Highlight>