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2 years ago
{"ast":null,"code":"var _jsxFileName = \"/Users/mahdi/Documents/work/programming/barnameNegar/arbaeenWebApp/src/components/ContactUsInfoCard/index.js\";\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport { jsxDEV as _jsxDEV } from \"react/jsx-dev-runtime\";\n\nconst ContactUsInfoCard = _ref => {\n let {\n items\n } = _ref;\n return /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"div\", {\n className: \"w-[600px] h-[344px] flex flex-col p-4 bg-surface border border-surfaceBorder mx-auto rounded\",\n children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"div\", {\n className: \"flex flex-row items-center justify-between\",\n children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"img\", {\n src: \"images/ContactUsInfoCardmap.svg\",\n alt: \"map\",\n className: \"w-[377px]\"\n }, void 0, false, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 8,\n columnNumber: 9\n }, this), /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"img\", {\n src: \"images/ContactUsInfoCardlogo-rectangle.svg\",\n alt: \"map\",\n className: \"mr-2\"\n }, void 0, false, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 13,\n columnNumber: 9\n }, this)]\n }, void 0, true, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 7,\n columnNumber: 7\n }, this), \"\\u200D\",, index) => /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"div\", {\n className: \"flex flex-row items-center mt-2\",\n children: [item.icon && /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"img\", {\n className: \"w-5\",\n src: item.icon,\n alt: item.icon\n }, void 0, false, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 22,\n columnNumber: 25\n }, this), /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"p\", {\n className: `text-secondaryLight text-sm ${item.icon === null ? \"mr-8\" : \"mr-2\"}`,\n children: [item.title, /*#__PURE__*/_jsxDEV(\"span\", {\n className: `text-gray-600 mr-1 text-sm text-justify leading-6`,\n children: item.content\n }, void 0, false, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 29,\n columnNumber: 13\n }, this)]\n }, void 0, true, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 23,\n columnNumber: 11\n }, this)]\n }, index, true, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 21,\n columnNumber: 9\n }, this))]\n }, void 0, true, {\n fileName: _jsxFileName,\n lineNumber: 5,\n columnNumber: 5\n }, this);\n};\n\n_c = ContactUsInfoCard;\nexport default ContactUsInfoCard;\nContactUsInfoCard.defaultProps = {\n items: [{\n icon: \"images/ContactUsInfoCardmarker.svg\",\n title: \"نشانی:\",\n content: \"شارع دوم شارع حسینی عمود موکب ۲۲\"\n }, {\n icon: \"images/ContactUsInfoCardphone.svg\",\n title: \"شماره تلفنی ضروری موکب:\",\n content: \"۰۸۶۲۵۴۶۴۸۲۳\"\n }, {\n icon: null,\n title: \"تذکرات و نکات مهم:\",\n content: \"در این قسمت نکات مهم و ضروری برای موکب مورد نظر نوشته می شود و همچنین در مورد موارد مهم دیگر نیز در این قسمت صحبت خواهد شد\"\n }]\n};\n\nvar _c;\n\n$RefreshReg$(_c, \"ContactUsInfoCard\");","map":{"version":3,"names":["React","ContactUsInfoCard","items","map","item","index","icon","title","content","defaultProps"],"sources":["/Users/mahdi/Documents/work/programming/barnameNegar/arbaeenWebApp/src/components/ContactUsInfoCard/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\";\n\nconst ContactUsInfoCard = ({ items }) => {\n return (\n <div className=\"w-[600px] h-[344px] flex flex-col p-4 bg-surface border border-surfaceBorder mx-auto rounded\">\n {/* logo && map */}\n <div className=\"flex flex-row items-center justify-between\">\n <img\n src=\"images/ContactUsInfoCardmap.svg\"\n alt=\"map\"\n className=\"w-[377px]\"\n />\n <img\n src=\"images/ContactUsInfoCardlogo-rectangle.svg\"\n alt=\"map\"\n className=\"mr-2\"\n />\