You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
707 lines
81 KiB
707 lines
81 KiB
3 years ago
'use strict';var _slicedToArray = function () {function sliceIterator(arr, i) {var _arr = [];var _n = true;var _d = false;var _e = undefined;try {for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {_arr.push(_s.value);if (i && _arr.length === i) break;}} catch (err) {_d = true;_e = err;} finally {try {if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();} finally {if (_d) throw _e;}}return _arr;}return function (arr, i) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) {return arr;} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {return sliceIterator(arr, i);} else {throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");}};}();
var _minimatch = require('minimatch');var _minimatch2 = _interopRequireDefault(_minimatch);
var _importType = require('../core/importType');var _importType2 = _interopRequireDefault(_importType);
var _staticRequire = require('../core/staticRequire');var _staticRequire2 = _interopRequireDefault(_staticRequire);
var _docsUrl = require('../docsUrl');var _docsUrl2 = _interopRequireDefault(_docsUrl);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj };}
var defaultGroups = ['builtin', 'external', 'parent', 'sibling', 'index'];
function reverse(array) {
return (v) {
return Object.assign({}, v, { rank: -v.rank });
function getTokensOrCommentsAfter(sourceCode, node, count) {
var currentNodeOrToken = node;
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
currentNodeOrToken = sourceCode.getTokenOrCommentAfter(currentNodeOrToken);
if (currentNodeOrToken == null) {
return result;
function getTokensOrCommentsBefore(sourceCode, node, count) {
var currentNodeOrToken = node;
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
currentNodeOrToken = sourceCode.getTokenOrCommentBefore(currentNodeOrToken);
if (currentNodeOrToken == null) {
return result.reverse();
function takeTokensAfterWhile(sourceCode, node, condition) {
var tokens = getTokensOrCommentsAfter(sourceCode, node, 100);
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (condition(tokens[i])) {
} else {
return result;
function takeTokensBeforeWhile(sourceCode, node, condition) {
var tokens = getTokensOrCommentsBefore(sourceCode, node, 100);
var result = [];
for (var i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (condition(tokens[i])) {
} else {
return result.reverse();
function findOutOfOrder(imported) {
if (imported.length === 0) {
return [];
var maxSeenRankNode = imported[0];
return imported.filter(function (importedModule) {
var res = importedModule.rank < maxSeenRankNode.rank;
if (maxSeenRankNode.rank < importedModule.rank) {
maxSeenRankNode = importedModule;
return res;
function findRootNode(node) {
var parent = node;
while (parent.parent != null && parent.parent.body == null) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
function findEndOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, node) {
var tokensToEndOfLine = takeTokensAfterWhile(sourceCode, node, commentOnSameLineAs(node));
var endOfTokens = tokensToEndOfLine.length > 0 ?
tokensToEndOfLine[tokensToEndOfLine.length - 1].range[1] :
var result = endOfTokens;
for (var i = endOfTokens; i < sourceCode.text.length; i++) {
if (sourceCode.text[i] === '\n') {
result = i + 1;
if (sourceCode.text[i] !== ' ' && sourceCode.text[i] !== '\t' && sourceCode.text[i] !== '\r') {
result = i + 1;
return result;
function commentOnSameLineAs(node) {
return function (token) {return (token.type === 'Block' || token.type === 'Line') &&
token.loc.start.line === token.loc.end.line &&
token.loc.end.line === node.loc.end.line;};
function findStartOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, node) {
var tokensToEndOfLine = takeTokensBeforeWhile(sourceCode, node, commentOnSameLineAs(node));
var startOfTokens = tokensToEndOfLine.length > 0 ? tokensToEndOfLine[0].range[0] : node.range[0];
var result = startOfTokens;
for (var i = startOfTokens - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (sourceCode.text[i] !== ' ' && sourceCode.text[i] !== '\t') {
result = i;
return result;
function isPlainRequireModule(node) {
if (node.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') {
return false;
if (node.declarations.length !== 1) {
return false;
var decl = node.declarations[0];
var result = && (
| === 'Identifier' || === 'ObjectPattern') &&
decl.init != null &&
decl.init.type === 'CallExpression' &&
decl.init.callee != null &&
| === 'require' &&
decl.init.arguments != null &&
decl.init.arguments.length === 1 &&
decl.init.arguments[0].type === 'Literal';
return result;
function isPlainImportModule(node) {
return node.type === 'ImportDeclaration' && node.specifiers != null && node.specifiers.length > 0;
function isPlainImportEquals(node) {
return node.type === 'TSImportEqualsDeclaration' && node.moduleReference.expression;
function canCrossNodeWhileReorder(node) {
return isPlainRequireModule(node) || isPlainImportModule(node) || isPlainImportEquals(node);
function canReorderItems(firstNode, secondNode) {
var parent = firstNode.parent;var _sort =
sort(),_sort2 = _slicedToArray(_sort, 2),firstIndex = _sort2[0],secondIndex = _sort2[1];
var nodesBetween = parent.body.slice(firstIndex, secondIndex + 1);var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;var _didIteratorError = false;var _iteratorError = undefined;try {
for (var _iterator = nodesBetween[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {var nodeBetween = _step.value;
if (!canCrossNodeWhileReorder(nodeBetween)) {
return false;
}} catch (err) {_didIteratorError = true;_iteratorError = err;} finally {try {if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator['return']) {_iterator['return']();}} finally {if (_didIteratorError) {throw _iteratorError;}}}
return true;
function fixOutOfOrder(context, firstNode, secondNode, order) {
var sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
var firstRoot = findRootNode(firstNode.node);
var firstRootStart = findStartOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, firstRoot);
var firstRootEnd = findEndOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, firstRoot);
var secondRoot = findRootNode(secondNode.node);
var secondRootStart = findStartOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, secondRoot);
var secondRootEnd = findEndOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, secondRoot);
var canFix = canReorderItems(firstRoot, secondRoot);
var newCode = sourceCode.text.substring(secondRootStart, secondRootEnd);
if (newCode[newCode.length - 1] !== '\n') {
newCode = newCode + '\n';
var message = '`' + String(secondNode.displayName) + '` import should occur ' + String(order) + ' import of `' + String(firstNode.displayName) + '`';
if (order === 'before') {
node: secondNode.node,
message: message,
fix: canFix && function (fixer) {return (
[firstRootStart, secondRootEnd],
newCode + sourceCode.text.substring(firstRootStart, secondRootStart)));} });
} else if (order === 'after') {
node: secondNode.node,
message: message,
fix: canFix && function (fixer) {return (
[secondRootStart, firstRootEnd],
sourceCode.text.substring(secondRootEnd, firstRootEnd) + newCode));} });
function reportOutOfOrder(context, imported, outOfOrder, order) {
outOfOrder.forEach(function (imp) {
var found = imported.find(function () {function hasHigherRank(importedItem) {
return importedItem.rank > imp.rank;
}return hasHigherRank;}());
fixOutOfOrder(context, found, imp, order);
function makeOutOfOrderReport(context, imported) {
var outOfOrder = findOutOfOrder(imported);
if (!outOfOrder.length) {
// There are things to report. Try to minimize the number of reported errors.
var reversedImported = reverse(imported);
var reversedOrder = findOutOfOrder(reversedImported);
if (reversedOrder.length < outOfOrder.length) {
reportOutOfOrder(context, reversedImported, reversedOrder, 'after');
reportOutOfOrder(context, imported, outOfOrder, 'before');
function getSorter(ascending) {
var multiplier = ascending ? 1 : -1;
return function () {function importsSorter(importA, importB) {
var result = void 0;
if (importA < importB) {
result = -1;
} else if (importA > importB) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = 0;
return result * multiplier;
}return importsSorter;}();
function mutateRanksToAlphabetize(imported, alphabetizeOptions) {
var groupedByRanks = imported.reduce(function (acc, importedItem) {
if (!Array.isArray(acc[importedItem.rank])) {
acc[importedItem.rank] = [];
return acc;
}, {});
var groupRanks = Object.keys(groupedByRanks);
var sorterFn = getSorter(alphabetizeOptions.order === 'asc');
var comparator = alphabetizeOptions.caseInsensitive ?
function (a, b) {return sorterFn(String(a.value).toLowerCase(), String(b.value).toLowerCase());} :
function (a, b) {return sorterFn(a.value, b.value);};
// sort imports locally within their group
groupRanks.forEach(function (groupRank) {
// assign globally unique rank to each import
var newRank = 0;
var alphabetizedRanks = groupRanks.sort().reduce(function (acc, groupRank) {
groupedByRanks[groupRank].forEach(function (importedItem) {
acc[String(importedItem.value) + '|' + String(importedItem.node.importKind)] = parseInt(groupRank, 10) + newRank;
newRank += 1;
return acc;
}, {});
// mutate the original group-rank with alphabetized-rank
imported.forEach(function (importedItem) {
importedItem.rank = alphabetizedRanks[String(importedItem.value) + '|' + String(importedItem.node.importKind)];
function computePathRank(ranks, pathGroups, path, maxPosition) {
for (var i = 0, l = pathGroups.length; i < l; i++) {var _pathGroups$i =
pathGroups[i],pattern = _pathGroups$i.pattern,patternOptions = _pathGroups$i.patternOptions,group = _pathGroups$,_pathGroups$i$positio = _pathGroups$i.position,position = _pathGroups$i$positio === undefined ? 1 : _pathGroups$i$positio;
if ((0, _minimatch2['default'])(path, pattern, patternOptions || { nocomment: true })) {
return ranks[group] + position / maxPosition;
function computeRank(context, ranks, importEntry, excludedImportTypes) {
var impType = void 0;
var rank = void 0;
if (importEntry.type === 'import:object') {
impType = 'object';
} else if (importEntry.node.importKind === 'type' && ranks.omittedTypes.indexOf('type') === -1) {
impType = 'type';
} else {
impType = (0, _importType2['default'])(importEntry.value, context);
if (!excludedImportTypes.has(impType)) {
rank = computePathRank(ranks.groups, ranks.pathGroups, importEntry.value, ranks.maxPosition);
if (typeof rank === 'undefined') {
rank = ranks.groups[impType];
if (importEntry.type !== 'import' && !importEntry.type.startsWith('import:')) {
rank += 100;
return rank;
function registerNode(context, importEntry, ranks, imported, excludedImportTypes) {
var rank = computeRank(context, ranks, importEntry, excludedImportTypes);
if (rank !== -1) {
imported.push(Object.assign({}, importEntry, { rank: rank }));
function getRequireBlock(node) {
var n = node;
// Handle cases like `const baz = require('foo').bar.baz`
// and `const foo = require('foo')()`
while (
n.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' && n.parent.object === n ||
n.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && n.parent.callee === n)
n = n.parent;
if (
n.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' &&
n.parent.parent.type === 'VariableDeclaration' &&
n.parent.parent.parent.type === 'Program')
return n.parent.parent.parent;
var types = ['builtin', 'external', 'internal', 'unknown', 'parent', 'sibling', 'index', 'object', 'type'];
// Creates an object with type-rank pairs.
// Example: { index: 0, sibling: 1, parent: 1, external: 1, builtin: 2, internal: 2 }
// Will throw an error if it contains a type that does not exist, or has a duplicate
function convertGroupsToRanks(groups) {
var rankObject = groups.reduce(function (res, group, index) {
if (typeof group === 'string') {
group = [group];
group.forEach(function (groupItem) {
if (types.indexOf(groupItem) === -1) {
throw new Error('Incorrect configuration of the rule: Unknown type `' +
JSON.stringify(groupItem) + '`');
if (res[groupItem] !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Incorrect configuration of the rule: `' + groupItem + '` is duplicated');
res[groupItem] = index;
return res;
}, {});
var omittedTypes = types.filter(function (type) {
return rankObject[type] === undefined;
var ranks = omittedTypes.reduce(function (res, type) {
res[type] = groups.length;
return res;
}, rankObject);
return { groups: ranks, omittedTypes: omittedTypes };
function convertPathGroupsForRanks(pathGroups) {
var after = {};
var before = {};
var transformed = (pathGroup, index) {var
group =,positionString = pathGroup.position;
var position = 0;
if (positionString === 'after') {
if (!after[group]) {
after[group] = 1;
position = after[group]++;
} else if (positionString === 'before') {
if (!before[group]) {
before[group] = [];
return Object.assign({}, pathGroup, { position: position });
var maxPosition = 1;
Object.keys(before).forEach(function (group) {
var groupLength = before[group].length;
before[group].forEach(function (groupIndex, index) {
transformed[groupIndex].position = -1 * (groupLength - index);
maxPosition = Math.max(maxPosition, groupLength);
Object.keys(after).forEach(function (key) {
var groupNextPosition = after[key];
maxPosition = Math.max(maxPosition, groupNextPosition - 1);
return {
pathGroups: transformed,
maxPosition: maxPosition > 10 ? Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(Math.log10(maxPosition))) : 10 };
function fixNewLineAfterImport(context, previousImport) {
var prevRoot = findRootNode(previousImport.node);
var tokensToEndOfLine = takeTokensAfterWhile(
context.getSourceCode(), prevRoot, commentOnSameLineAs(prevRoot));
var endOfLine = prevRoot.range[1];
if (tokensToEndOfLine.length > 0) {
endOfLine = tokensToEndOfLine[tokensToEndOfLine.length - 1].range[1];
return function (fixer) {return fixer.insertTextAfterRange([prevRoot.range[0], endOfLine], '\n');};
function removeNewLineAfterImport(context, currentImport, previousImport) {
var sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
var prevRoot = findRootNode(previousImport.node);
var currRoot = findRootNode(currentImport.node);
var rangeToRemove = [
findEndOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, prevRoot),
findStartOfLineWithComments(sourceCode, currRoot)];
if (/^\s*$/.test(sourceCode.text.substring(rangeToRemove[0], rangeToRemove[1]))) {
return function (fixer) {return fixer.removeRange(rangeToRemove);};
return undefined;
function makeNewlinesBetweenReport(context, imported, newlinesBetweenImports) {
var getNumberOfEmptyLinesBetween = function getNumberOfEmptyLinesBetween(currentImport, previousImport) {
var linesBetweenImports = context.getSourceCode().lines.slice(
currentImport.node.loc.start.line - 1);
return linesBetweenImports.filter(function (line) {return !line.trim().length;}).length;
var previousImport = imported[0];
imported.slice(1).forEach(function (currentImport) {
var emptyLinesBetween = getNumberOfEmptyLinesBetween(currentImport, previousImport);
if (newlinesBetweenImports === 'always' ||
newlinesBetweenImports === 'always-and-inside-groups') {
if (currentImport.rank !== previousImport.rank && emptyLinesBetween === 0) {
node: previousImport.node,
message: 'There should be at least one empty line between import groups',
fix: fixNewLineAfterImport(context, previousImport) });
} else if (currentImport.rank === previousImport.rank &&
emptyLinesBetween > 0 &&
newlinesBetweenImports !== 'always-and-inside-groups') {
node: previousImport.node,
message: 'There should be no empty line within import group',
fix: removeNewLineAfterImport(context, currentImport, previousImport) });
} else if (emptyLinesBetween > 0) {
node: previousImport.node,
message: 'There should be no empty line between import groups',
fix: removeNewLineAfterImport(context, currentImport, previousImport) });
previousImport = currentImport;
function getAlphabetizeConfig(options) {
var alphabetize = options.alphabetize || {};
var order = alphabetize.order || 'ignore';
var caseInsensitive = alphabetize.caseInsensitive || false;
return { order: order, caseInsensitive: caseInsensitive };
module.exports = {
meta: {
type: 'suggestion',
docs: {
url: (0, _docsUrl2['default'])('order') },
fixable: 'code',
schema: [
type: 'object',
properties: {
groups: {
type: 'array' },
pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes: {
type: 'array' },
pathGroups: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
pattern: {
type: 'string' },
patternOptions: {
type: 'object' },
group: {
type: 'string',
'enum': types },
position: {
type: 'string',
'enum': ['after', 'before'] } },
required: ['pattern', 'group'] } },
'newlines-between': {
'enum': [
'never'] },
alphabetize: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
caseInsensitive: {
type: 'boolean',
'default': false },
order: {
'enum': ['ignore', 'asc', 'desc'],
'default': 'ignore' } },
additionalProperties: false },
warnOnUnassignedImports: {
type: 'boolean',
'default': false } },
additionalProperties: false }] },
create: function () {function importOrderRule(context) {
var options = context.options[0] || {};
var newlinesBetweenImports = options['newlines-between'] || 'ignore';
var pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes = new Set(options['pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes'] || ['builtin', 'external', 'object']);
var alphabetize = getAlphabetizeConfig(options);
var ranks = void 0;
try {var _convertPathGroupsFor =
convertPathGroupsForRanks(options.pathGroups || []),pathGroups = _convertPathGroupsFor.pathGroups,maxPosition = _convertPathGroupsFor.maxPosition;var _convertGroupsToRanks =
convertGroupsToRanks(options.groups || defaultGroups),groups = _convertGroupsToRanks.groups,omittedTypes = _convertGroupsToRanks.omittedTypes;
ranks = {
groups: groups,
omittedTypes: omittedTypes,
pathGroups: pathGroups,
maxPosition: maxPosition };
} catch (error) {
// Malformed configuration
return {
Program: function () {function Program(node) {
|, error.message);
}return Program;}() };
var importMap = new Map();
function getBlockImports(node) {
if (!importMap.has(node)) {
importMap.set(node, []);
return importMap.get(node);
return {
ImportDeclaration: function () {function handleImports(node) {
// Ignoring unassigned imports unless warnOnUnassignedImports is set
if (node.specifiers.length || options.warnOnUnassignedImports) {
var name = node.source.value;
node: node,
value: name,
displayName: name,
type: 'import' },
}return handleImports;}(),
TSImportEqualsDeclaration: function () {function handleImports(node) {
var displayName = void 0;
var value = void 0;
var type = void 0;
// skip "export import"s
if (node.isExport) {
if (node.moduleReference.type === 'TSExternalModuleReference') {
value = node.moduleReference.expression.value;
displayName = value;
type = 'import';
} else {
value = '';
displayName = context.getSourceCode().getText(node.moduleReference);
type = 'import:object';
node: node,
value: value,
displayName: displayName,
type: type },
}return handleImports;}(),
CallExpression: function () {function handleRequires(node) {
if (!(0, _staticRequire2['default'])(node)) {
var block = getRequireBlock(node);
if (!block) {
var name = node.arguments[0].value;
node: node,
value: name,
displayName: name,
type: 'require' },
}return handleRequires;}(),
'Program:exit': function () {function reportAndReset() {
importMap.forEach(function (imported) {
if (newlinesBetweenImports !== 'ignore') {
makeNewlinesBetweenReport(context, imported, newlinesBetweenImports);
if (alphabetize.order !== 'ignore') {
mutateRanksToAlphabetize(imported, alphabetize);
makeOutOfOrderReport(context, imported);
}return reportAndReset;}() };
}return importOrderRule;}() };
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