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3 years ago
import { BasePartial, FileDetails, ManifestEntry } from '../types';
* A `ManifestTransform` function can be used to modify the modify the `url` or
* `revision` properties of some or all of the
* {@link workbox-build.ManifestEntry} in the manifest.
* Deleting the `revision` property of an entry will cause
* the corresponding `url` to be precached without cache-busting parameters
* applied, which is to say, it implies that the URL itself contains
* proper versioning info. If the `revision` property is present, it must be
* set to a string.
* @example A transformation that prepended the origin of a CDN for any
* URL starting with '/assets/' could be implemented as:
* const cdnTransform = async (manifestEntries) => {
* const manifest = manifestEntries.map(entry => {
* const cdnOrigin = 'https://example.com';
* if (entry.url.startsWith('/assets/')) {
* entry.url = cdnOrigin + entry.url;
* }
* return entry;
* });
* return {manifest, warnings: []};
* };
* @example A transformation that nulls the revision field when the
* URL contains an 8-character hash surrounded by '.', indicating that it
* already contains revision information:
* const removeRevisionTransform = async (manifestEntries) => {
* const manifest = manifestEntries.map(entry => {
* const hashRegExp = /\.\w{8}\./;
* if (entry.url.match(hashRegExp)) {
* entry.revision = null;
* }
* return entry;
* });
* return {manifest, warnings: []};
* };
* @callback ManifestTransform
* @param {Array<workbox-build.ManifestEntry>} manifestEntries The full
* array of entries, prior to the current transformation.
* @param {Object} [compilation] When used in the webpack plugins, this param
* will be set to the current `compilation`.
* @return {Promise<workbox-build.ManifestTransformResult>}
* The array of entries with the transformation applied, and optionally, any
* warnings that should be reported back to the build tool.
* @memberof workbox-build
interface ManifestTransformResultWithWarnings {
count: number;
size: number;
manifestEntries: ManifestEntry[];
warnings: string[];
export declare function transformManifest({ additionalManifestEntries, dontCacheBustURLsMatching, fileDetails, manifestTransforms, maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes, modifyURLPrefix, transformParam, }: BasePartial & {
fileDetails: Array<FileDetails>;
transformParam?: unknown;
}): Promise<ManifestTransformResultWithWarnings>;
export {};