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191 lines
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191 lines
7.8 KiB
3 years ago
import postcssBrowserComments from 'postcss-browser-comments';
import Module from 'module';
import path from 'path';
import { URL } from 'url';
import fs from 'fs';
import postcss from 'postcss';
const assign = (...objects) => Object.assign(...objects);
const create = (...objects) => assign(Object.create(null), ...objects);
const currentURL = import.meta.url;
const currentFilename = new URL(currentURL).pathname;
const currentDirname = path.dirname(currentFilename); // get resolved filenames for normalize.css
const normalizeCSS = resolve('@csstools/normalize.css');
const normalizeDir = path.dirname(normalizeCSS);
const normalizeOpinionatedCSS = path.join(normalizeDir, 'opinionated.css'); // get resolved filenames for sanitize.css
const sanitizeCSS = resolve('sanitize.css');
const sanitizeDir = path.dirname(sanitizeCSS);
const sanitizeAssetsCSS = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'assets.css');
const sanitizeFormsCSS = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'forms.css');
const sanitizeReduceMotionCSS = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'reduce-motion.css');
const sanitizeTypographyCSS = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'typography.css');
const sanitizeSystemUiCSS = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'system-ui.css');
const sanitizeUiMonospace = path.join(sanitizeDir, 'ui-monospace.css'); // export a hashmap of css library filenames
const parsableFilenames = create({
[normalizeCSS]: true,
[normalizeOpinionatedCSS]: true,
[sanitizeCSS]: true,
[sanitizeAssetsCSS]: true,
[sanitizeFormsCSS]: true,
[sanitizeReduceMotionCSS]: true,
[sanitizeTypographyCSS]: true,
[sanitizeSystemUiCSS]: true,
[sanitizeUiMonospace]: true
}); // export a hashmap of css library filenames by id
const resolvedFilenamesById = create({
'normalize': [normalizeCSS],
'normalize/opinionated': [normalizeOpinionatedCSS],
'normalize/*': [normalizeOpinionatedCSS],
'sanitize': [sanitizeCSS],
'sanitize/assets': [sanitizeAssetsCSS],
'sanitize/forms': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeFormsCSS],
'sanitize/page': [sanitizeAssetsCSS],
// deprecated; remaining for v10.0.0 compatibility
'sanitize/reduce-motion': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeReduceMotionCSS],
'sanitize/system-ui': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeSystemUiCSS],
'sanitize/typography': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeTypographyCSS],
'sanitize/ui-monospace': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeUiMonospace],
'sanitize/*': [sanitizeCSS, sanitizeFormsCSS]
}); // get the resolved filename of a package/module
function resolve(id) {
return resolve[id] = resolve[id] || Module._resolveFilename(id, {
id: currentFilename,
filename: currentFilename,
paths: Module._nodeModulePaths(currentDirname)
const cache$1 = create();
async function readFile(filename) {
filename = path.resolve(filename);
cache$1[filename] = cache$1[filename] || create();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.stat(filename, (statsError, {
}) => statsError ? reject(statsError) : mtime === cache$1[filename].mtime ? resolve(cache$1[filename].data) : fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', (readFileError, data) => readFileError ? reject(readFileError) : resolve((cache$1[filename] = {
const cache = create(null);
var parse = ((filename, transformer) => readFile(filename).then( // cache the parsed css root
css => cache[css] = cache[css] || postcss.parse(css, {
from: filename
})).then( // clone the cached root
root => root.clone()).then( // transform the cloned root
clone => Promise.resolve(transformer(clone)).then( // resolve the cloned root
() => clone)));
var postcssImportNormalize = (commentsTransformer => opts => {
opts = create(opts); // return an postcss-import configuration
return create({
load(filename, importOptions) {
return filename in parsableFilenames // parse the file (the file and css are conservatively cached)
? parse(filename, commentsTransformer).then(root => root.toResult({
to: filename,
map: true
}).css) : typeof opts.load === 'function' // otherwise, use the override loader
?, filename, importOptions) // otherwise, return the (conservatively cached) contents of the file
: readFile(filename);
resolve(id, basedir, importOptions) {
// get the css id by removing css extensions
const cssId = id.replace(cssExtRegExp$1, '');
return cssId in resolvedFilenamesById // return the known resolved path for the css id
? resolvedFilenamesById[cssId] : typeof opts.resolve === 'function' // otherwise, use the override resolver
?, id, basedir, importOptions) // otherwise, return the id to be resolved by postcss-import
: id;
const cssExtRegExp$1 = /\.css\b/g;
const postcssPlugin = (commentsTransformer, opts) => root => {
const promises = [];
const insertedFilenames = {}; // use @import insertion point
root.walkAtRules(importRegExp, atrule => {
// get name as a fallback value for the library (e.g. @import-normalize is like @import "normalize.css")
const name =[1]; // get url from "library", 'library', url("library"), url('library'), or the fallback value
const url = (atrule.params.match(paramsRegExp) || []).slice(1).find(part => part) || name;
if (url) {
// get the css id by removing css extensions
const cssId = url.replace(cssExtRegExp, '');
if (cssId in resolvedFilenamesById) {
// promise the library import is replaced with its contents
promises.push(Promise.all(resolvedFilenamesById[cssId].filter( // ignore filenames that have already been inserted
filename => insertedFilenames[filename] = opts.allowDuplicates || !(filename in insertedFilenames)).map( // parse the file (the file and css are conservatively cached)
filename => parse(filename, commentsTransformer))).then(roots => {
if (roots.length) {
// combine all the library nodes returned by the parsed files
const nodes = roots.reduce((all, root) => all.concat(root.nodes), []); // replace the import with all the library nodes
return Promise.all([].concat( // promise the library imports are replaced with their contents
promises, // promise certain libraries are prepended
Promise.all([].concat(opts.forceImport || []).reduce( // filter the id to be a known id or boolean true
(all, id) => {
if (id === true) {
} else if (typeof id === 'string') {
const cssId = id.replace(cssExtRegExp, '');
if (cssId in resolvedFilenamesById) {
return all;
}, []).filter( // ignore filenames that have already been inserted
filename => insertedFilenames[filename] = opts.allowDuplicates || !(filename in insertedFilenames)).map( // parse the file (the file and css are conservatively cached)
filename => parse(filename, commentsTransformer))).then(roots => {
if (roots.length) {
// combine all the library nodes returned by the parsed files
const nodes = roots.reduce((all, root) => all.concat(root.nodes), []); // prepend the stylesheet with all the library nodes
const cssExtRegExp = /\.css\b/g;
const importRegExp = /^import(?:-(normalize|sanitize))?$/;
const paramsRegExp = /^\s*(?:url\((?:"(.+)"|'(.+)')\)|"(.+)"|'(.+)')[\W\w]*$/;
const plugin = opts => {
opts = create(opts);
const commentsTransformer = postcssBrowserComments(opts).Once;
const normalizeTransformer = postcssPlugin(commentsTransformer, opts);
const postcssImportConfig = postcssImportNormalize(commentsTransformer);
return {
postcssPlugin: 'postcss-normalize',
Once(root) {
return normalizeTransformer(root);
postcssImport: postcssImportConfig
plugin.postcss = true;
export { plugin as default };