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3 years ago
{"version":3,"file":"","sources":["../_version.js","../responsesAreSame.js","../utils/constants.js","../BroadcastCacheUpdate.js","../BroadcastUpdatePlugin.js"],"sourcesContent":["\"use strict\";\n// @ts-ignore\ntry {\n self['workbox:broadcast-update:6.5.2'] && _();\n}\ncatch (e) { }\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { WorkboxError } from 'workbox-core/_private/WorkboxError.js';\nimport { logger } from 'workbox-core/_private/logger.js';\nimport './_version.js';\n/**\n * Given two `Response's`, compares several header values to see if they are\n * the same or not.\n *\n * @param {Response} firstResponse\n * @param {Response} secondResponse\n * @param {Array<string>} headersToCheck\n * @return {boolean}\n *\n * @memberof workbox-broadcast-update\n */\nconst responsesAreSame = (firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck) => {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (!(firstResponse instanceof Response && secondResponse instanceof Response)) {\n throw new WorkboxError('invalid-responses-are-same-args');\n }\n }\n const atLeastOneHeaderAvailable = headersToCheck.some((header) => {\n return (firstResponse.headers.has(header) && secondResponse.headers.has(header));\n });\n if (!atLeastOneHeaderAvailable) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n logger.warn(`Unable to determine where the response has been updated ` +\n `because none of the headers that would be checked are present.`);\n logger.debug(`Attempting to compare the following: `, firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck);\n }\n // Just return true, indicating the that responses are the same, since we\n // can't determine otherwise.\n return true;\n }\n return headersToCheck.every((header) => {\n const headerStateComparison = firstResponse.headers.has(header) === secondResponse.headers.has(header);\n const headerValueComparison = firstResponse.headers.get(header) === secondResponse.headers.get(header);\n return headerStateComparison && headerValueComparison;\n });\n};\nexport { responsesAreSame };\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport '../_version.js';\nexport const CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'CACHE_UPDATED';\nexport const CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_META = 'workbox-broadcast-update';\nexport const NOTIFY_ALL_CLIENTS = true;\nexport const DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK = [\n 'content-length',\n 'etag',\n 'last-modified',\n];\n","/*\n Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n\n Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style\n license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at\n\n*/\nimport { assert } from 'workbox-core/_private/assert.js';\nimport { timeout } from 'workbox-core/_private/timeout.js';\nimport { resultingClientExists } from 'workbox-core/_private/resultingClientExists.js';\nimport { logger } from 'workbox-core/_private/logger.js';\nimport { responsesAreSame } from './responsesAreSame.js';\nimport { CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_META, CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_TYPE, DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK, NOTIFY_ALL_CLIENTS, } from './utils/constants.js';\nimport './_version.js';\n// UA-sniff Safari:\n// TODO(philipwalton): remove once this Safari bug fix has been released.\n//\nconst isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n/**\n * Generates the default payload used in update messages. By default the\n * payload includes the `cacheName` and `updatedURL` fields.\n *\n * @return Object\n * @private\n */\nfunction defaultPayloadGenerator(data) {\n return {\n cacheName: dat