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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/// <reference types="node" />
import type { AggregatedResult, TestCaseResult, TestResult } from '@jest/test-result';
import type { Config } from '@jest/types';
import BaseReporter from './BaseReporter';
import type { ReporterOnStartOptions, Test } from './types';
export default class DefaultReporter extends BaseReporter {
private _clear;
private _err;
protected _globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig;
private _out;
private _status;
private _bufferedOutput;
static readonly filename: string;
constructor(globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig);
protected __wrapStdio(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream | NodeJS.WriteStream): void;
forceFlushBufferedOutput(): void;
protected __clearStatus(): void;
protected __printStatus(): void;
onRunStart(aggregatedResults: AggregatedResult, options: ReporterOnStartOptions): void;
onTestStart(test: Test): void;
onTestCaseResult(test: Test, testCaseResult: TestCaseResult): void;
onRunComplete(): void;
onTestResult(test: Test, testResult: TestResult, aggregatedResults: AggregatedResult): void;
testFinished(config: Config.ProjectConfig, testResult: TestResult, aggregatedResults: AggregatedResult): void;
printTestFileHeader(_testPath: Config.Path, config: Config.ProjectConfig, result: TestResult): void;
printTestFileFailureMessage(_testPath: Config.Path, _config: Config.ProjectConfig, result: TestResult): void;