181 lines
5.4 KiB
181 lines
5.4 KiB
'use strict'; |
// based on https://github.com/bestiejs/punycode.js/blob/master/punycode.js |
var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this'); |
var maxInt = 2147483647; // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 |
var base = 36; |
var tMin = 1; |
var tMax = 26; |
var skew = 38; |
var damp = 700; |
var initialBias = 72; |
var initialN = 128; // 0x80 |
var delimiter = '-'; // '\x2D' |
var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\u007E]/; // non-ASCII chars |
var regexSeparators = /[.\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; // RFC 3490 separators |
var OVERFLOW_ERROR = 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process'; |
var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; |
var $RangeError = RangeError; |
var exec = uncurryThis(regexSeparators.exec); |
var floor = Math.floor; |
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; |
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt); |
var join = uncurryThis([].join); |
var push = uncurryThis([].push); |
var replace = uncurryThis(''.replace); |
var split = uncurryThis(''.split); |
var toLowerCase = uncurryThis(''.toLowerCase); |
/** |
* Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode |
* character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, |
* this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which |
* UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, |
* matching UTF-16. |
*/ |
var ucs2decode = function (string) { |
var output = []; |
var counter = 0; |
var length = string.length; |
while (counter < length) { |
var value = charCodeAt(string, counter++); |
if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { |
// It's a high surrogate, and there is a next character. |
var extra = charCodeAt(string, counter++); |
if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // Low surrogate. |
push(output, ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); |
} else { |
// It's an unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the |
// next code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair. |
push(output, value); |
counter--; |
} |
} else { |
push(output, value); |
} |
} |
return output; |
}; |
/** |
* Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. |
*/ |
var digitToBasic = function (digit) { |
// 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z |
// 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 |
return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26); |
}; |
/** |
* Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. |
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-3.4 |
*/ |
var adapt = function (delta, numPoints, firstTime) { |
var k = 0; |
delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; |
delta += floor(delta / numPoints); |
while (delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1) { |
delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); |
k += base; |
} |
return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); |
}; |
/** |
* Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a |
* Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. |
*/ |
var encode = function (input) { |
var output = []; |
// Convert the input in UCS-2 to an array of Unicode code points. |
input = ucs2decode(input); |
// Cache the length. |
var inputLength = input.length; |
// Initialize the state. |
var n = initialN; |
var delta = 0; |
var bias = initialBias; |
var i, currentValue; |
// Handle the basic code points. |
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { |
currentValue = input[i]; |
if (currentValue < 0x80) { |
push(output, fromCharCode(currentValue)); |
} |
} |
var basicLength = output.length; // number of basic code points. |
var handledCPCount = basicLength; // number of code points that have been handled; |
// Finish the basic string with a delimiter unless it's empty. |
if (basicLength) { |
push(output, delimiter); |
} |
// Main encoding loop: |
while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { |
// All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next larger one: |
var m = maxInt; |
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { |
currentValue = input[i]; |
if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { |
m = currentValue; |
} |
} |
// Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's <n,i> state to <m,0>, but guard against overflow. |
var handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; |
if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { |
throw $RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR); |
} |
delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; |
n = m; |
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { |
currentValue = input[i]; |
if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { |
throw $RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR); |
} |
if (currentValue == n) { |
// Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer. |
var q = delta; |
var k = base; |
while (true) { |
var t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); |
if (q < t) break; |
var qMinusT = q - t; |
var baseMinusT = base - t; |
push(output, fromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT))); |
q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); |
k += base; |
} |
push(output, fromCharCode(digitToBasic(q))); |
bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); |
delta = 0; |
handledCPCount++; |
} |
} |
delta++; |
n++; |
} |
return join(output, ''); |
}; |
module.exports = function (input) { |
var encoded = []; |
var labels = split(replace(toLowerCase(input), regexSeparators, '\u002E'), '.'); |
var i, label; |
for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { |
label = labels[i]; |
push(encoded, exec(regexNonASCII, label) ? 'xn--' + encode(label) : label); |
} |
return join(encoded, '.'); |