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'use strict';
var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')();
module.exports = function runTests(hasOwn, t) {
var badPropertyKey = { toString: function () { throw new SyntaxError('nope'); } };
function () { hasOwn(null, badPropertyKey); },
'checks ToObject first'
function () { hasOwn({}, badPropertyKey); },
'checks ToPropertyKey next'
var obj = { a: 1 };
t.equal('toString' in obj, true, 'object literal has non-own toString');
t.equal(hasOwn(obj, 'toString'), false, 'toString is not an own property');
t.equal(hasOwn(obj, 'a'), true, 'own property is recognized');
t.equal(hasOwn([], 'length'), true, 'non-enumerable own property is recognized');
t.test('Symbols', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (st) {
var o = {};
o[Symbol.iterator] = true;
st.equal(hasOwn(o, Symbol.iterator), true, 'own symbol is recognized');
st.equal(hasOwn(Array.prototype, Symbol.iterator), true, 'built-in own symbol is recognized');