1118 lines
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1118 lines
32 KiB
/* |
MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php |
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra |
*/ |
"use strict"; |
const { getContext } = require("loader-runner"); |
const asyncLib = require("neo-async"); |
const { |
AsyncSeriesBailHook, |
SyncWaterfallHook, |
SyncBailHook, |
SyncHook, |
HookMap |
} = require("tapable"); |
const ChunkGraph = require("./ChunkGraph"); |
const Module = require("./Module"); |
const ModuleFactory = require("./ModuleFactory"); |
const ModuleGraph = require("./ModuleGraph"); |
const NormalModule = require("./NormalModule"); |
const BasicEffectRulePlugin = require("./rules/BasicEffectRulePlugin"); |
const BasicMatcherRulePlugin = require("./rules/BasicMatcherRulePlugin"); |
const ObjectMatcherRulePlugin = require("./rules/ObjectMatcherRulePlugin"); |
const RuleSetCompiler = require("./rules/RuleSetCompiler"); |
const UseEffectRulePlugin = require("./rules/UseEffectRulePlugin"); |
const LazySet = require("./util/LazySet"); |
const { getScheme } = require("./util/URLAbsoluteSpecifier"); |
const { cachedCleverMerge, cachedSetProperty } = require("./util/cleverMerge"); |
const { join } = require("./util/fs"); |
const { |
parseResource, |
parseResourceWithoutFragment |
} = require("./util/identifier"); |
/** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").ModuleOptionsNormalized} ModuleOptions */ |
/** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").RuleSetRule} RuleSetRule */ |
/** @typedef {import("./Generator")} Generator */ |
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleFactory").ModuleFactoryCreateData} ModuleFactoryCreateData */ |
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleFactory").ModuleFactoryResult} ModuleFactoryResult */ |
/** @typedef {import("./NormalModule").NormalModuleCreateData} NormalModuleCreateData */ |
/** @typedef {import("./Parser")} Parser */ |
/** @typedef {import("./ResolverFactory")} ResolverFactory */ |
/** @typedef {import("./dependencies/ModuleDependency")} ModuleDependency */ |
/** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ |
/** @typedef {Pick<RuleSetRule, 'type'|'sideEffects'|'parser'|'generator'|'resolve'|'layer'>} ModuleSettings */ |
/** @typedef {Partial<NormalModuleCreateData & {settings: ModuleSettings}>} CreateData */ |
/** |
* @typedef {Object} ResolveData |
* @property {ModuleFactoryCreateData["contextInfo"]} contextInfo |
* @property {ModuleFactoryCreateData["resolveOptions"]} resolveOptions |
* @property {string} context |
* @property {string} request |
* @property {Record<string, any> | undefined} assertions |
* @property {ModuleDependency[]} dependencies |
* @property {string} dependencyType |
* @property {CreateData} createData |
* @property {LazySet<string>} fileDependencies |
* @property {LazySet<string>} missingDependencies |
* @property {LazySet<string>} contextDependencies |
* @property {boolean} cacheable allow to use the unsafe cache |
*/ |
/** |
* @typedef {Object} ResourceData |
* @property {string} resource |
* @property {string} path |
* @property {string} query |
* @property {string} fragment |
* @property {string=} context |
*/ |
/** @typedef {ResourceData & { data: Record<string, any> }} ResourceDataWithData */ |
/** @typedef {Object} ParsedLoaderRequest |
* @property {string} loader loader |
* @property {string|undefined} options options |
*/ |
const EMPTY_ELEMENTS = []; |
const MATCH_RESOURCE_REGEX = /^([^!]+)!=!/; |
const loaderToIdent = data => { |
if (!data.options) { |
return data.loader; |
} |
if (typeof data.options === "string") { |
return data.loader + "?" + data.options; |
} |
if (typeof data.options !== "object") { |
throw new Error("loader options must be string or object"); |
} |
if (data.ident) { |
return data.loader + "??" + data.ident; |
} |
return data.loader + "?" + JSON.stringify(data.options); |
}; |
const stringifyLoadersAndResource = (loaders, resource) => { |
let str = ""; |
for (const loader of loaders) { |
str += loaderToIdent(loader) + "!"; |
} |
return str + resource; |
}; |
const needCalls = (times, callback) => { |
return err => { |
if (--times === 0) { |
return callback(err); |
} |
if (err && times > 0) { |
times = NaN; |
return callback(err); |
} |
}; |
}; |
const mergeGlobalOptions = (globalOptions, type, localOptions) => { |
const parts = type.split("/"); |
let result; |
let current = ""; |
for (const part of parts) { |
current = current ? `${current}/${part}` : part; |
const options = globalOptions[current]; |
if (typeof options === "object") { |
if (result === undefined) { |
result = options; |
} else { |
result = cachedCleverMerge(result, options); |
} |
} |
} |
if (result === undefined) { |
return localOptions; |
} else { |
return cachedCleverMerge(result, localOptions); |
} |
}; |
// TODO webpack 6 remove |
const deprecationChangedHookMessage = (name, hook) => { |
const names = hook.taps |
.map(tapped => { |
return tapped.name; |
}) |
.join(", "); |
return ( |
`NormalModuleFactory.${name} (${names}) is no longer a waterfall hook, but a bailing hook instead. ` + |
"Do not return the passed object, but modify it instead. " + |
"Returning false will ignore the request and results in no module created." |
); |
}; |
const ruleSetCompiler = new RuleSetCompiler([ |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("test", "resource"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("scheme"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("mimetype"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("dependency"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("include", "resource"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("exclude", "resource", true), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("resource"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("resourceQuery"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("resourceFragment"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("realResource"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("issuer"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("compiler"), |
new BasicMatcherRulePlugin("issuerLayer"), |
new ObjectMatcherRulePlugin("assert", "assertions"), |
new ObjectMatcherRulePlugin("descriptionData"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("type"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("sideEffects"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("parser"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("resolve"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("generator"), |
new BasicEffectRulePlugin("layer"), |
new UseEffectRulePlugin() |
]); |
class NormalModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory { |
/** |
* @param {Object} param params |
* @param {string=} param.context context |
* @param {InputFileSystem} param.fs file system |
* @param {ResolverFactory} param.resolverFactory resolverFactory |
* @param {ModuleOptions} param.options options |
* @param {Object=} param.associatedObjectForCache an object to which the cache will be attached |
* @param {boolean=} param.layers enable layers |
*/ |
constructor({ |
context, |
fs, |
resolverFactory, |
options, |
associatedObjectForCache, |
layers = false |
}) { |
super(); |
this.hooks = Object.freeze({ |
/** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], Module | false | void>} */ |
resolve: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resolveData"]), |
/** @type {HookMap<AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResourceDataWithData, ResolveData], true | void>>} */ |
resolveForScheme: new HookMap( |
() => new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resourceData", "resolveData"]) |
), |
/** @type {HookMap<AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResourceDataWithData, ResolveData], true | void>>} */ |
resolveInScheme: new HookMap( |
() => new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resourceData", "resolveData"]) |
), |
/** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], Module>} */ |
factorize: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resolveData"]), |
/** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], false | void>} */ |
beforeResolve: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resolveData"]), |
/** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], false | void>} */ |
afterResolve: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["resolveData"]), |
/** @type {AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData["createData"], ResolveData], Module | void>} */ |
createModule: new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["createData", "resolveData"]), |
/** @type {SyncWaterfallHook<[Module, ResolveData["createData"], ResolveData], Module>} */ |
module: new SyncWaterfallHook(["module", "createData", "resolveData"]), |
createParser: new HookMap(() => new SyncBailHook(["parserOptions"])), |
parser: new HookMap(() => new SyncHook(["parser", "parserOptions"])), |
createGenerator: new HookMap( |
() => new SyncBailHook(["generatorOptions"]) |
), |
generator: new HookMap( |
() => new SyncHook(["generator", "generatorOptions"]) |
) |
}); |
this.resolverFactory = resolverFactory; |
this.ruleSet = ruleSetCompiler.compile([ |
{ |
rules: options.defaultRules |
}, |
{ |
rules: options.rules |
} |
]); |
this.context = context || ""; |
this.fs = fs; |
this._globalParserOptions = options.parser; |
this._globalGeneratorOptions = options.generator; |
/** @type {Map<string, WeakMap<Object, TODO>>} */ |
this.parserCache = new Map(); |
/** @type {Map<string, WeakMap<Object, Generator>>} */ |
this.generatorCache = new Map(); |
/** @type {Set<Module>} */ |
this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries = new Set(); |
const cacheParseResource = parseResource.bindCache( |
associatedObjectForCache |
); |
const cachedParseResourceWithoutFragment = |
parseResourceWithoutFragment.bindCache(associatedObjectForCache); |
this._parseResourceWithoutFragment = cachedParseResourceWithoutFragment; |
this.hooks.factorize.tapAsync( |
{ |
name: "NormalModuleFactory", |
stage: 100 |
}, |
(resolveData, callback) => { |
this.hooks.resolve.callAsync(resolveData, (err, result) => { |
if (err) return callback(err); |
// Ignored |
if (result === false) return callback(); |
// direct module |
if (result instanceof Module) return callback(null, result); |
if (typeof result === "object") |
throw new Error( |
deprecationChangedHookMessage("resolve", this.hooks.resolve) + |
" Returning a Module object will result in this module used as result." |
); |
this.hooks.afterResolve.callAsync(resolveData, (err, result) => { |
if (err) return callback(err); |
if (typeof result === "object") |
throw new Error( |
deprecationChangedHookMessage( |
"afterResolve", |
this.hooks.afterResolve |
) |
); |
// Ignored |
if (result === false) return callback(); |
const createData = resolveData.createData; |
this.hooks.createModule.callAsync( |
createData, |
resolveData, |
(err, createdModule) => { |
if (!createdModule) { |
if (!resolveData.request) { |
return callback(new Error("Empty dependency (no request)")); |
} |
createdModule = new NormalModule( |
/** @type {NormalModuleCreateData} */ (createData) |
); |
} |
createdModule = this.hooks.module.call( |
createdModule, |
createData, |
resolveData |
); |
return callback(null, createdModule); |
} |
); |
}); |
}); |
} |
); |
this.hooks.resolve.tapAsync( |
{ |
name: "NormalModuleFactory", |
stage: 100 |
}, |
(data, callback) => { |
const { |
contextInfo, |
context, |
dependencies, |
dependencyType, |
request, |
assertions, |
resolveOptions, |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies |
} = data; |
const loaderResolver = this.getResolver("loader"); |
/** @type {ResourceData | undefined} */ |
let matchResourceData = undefined; |
/** @type {string} */ |
let unresolvedResource; |
/** @type {ParsedLoaderRequest[]} */ |
let elements; |
let noPreAutoLoaders = false; |
let noAutoLoaders = false; |
let noPrePostAutoLoaders = false; |
const contextScheme = getScheme(context); |
/** @type {string | undefined} */ |
let scheme = getScheme(request); |
if (!scheme) { |
/** @type {string} */ |
let requestWithoutMatchResource = request; |
const matchResourceMatch = MATCH_RESOURCE_REGEX.exec(request); |
if (matchResourceMatch) { |
let matchResource = matchResourceMatch[1]; |
if (matchResource.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { |
// 46 === ".", 47 === "/" |
const secondChar = matchResource.charCodeAt(1); |
if ( |
secondChar === 47 || |
(secondChar === 46 && matchResource.charCodeAt(2) === 47) |
) { |
// if matchResources startsWith ../ or ./ |
matchResource = join(this.fs, context, matchResource); |
} |
} |
matchResourceData = { |
resource: matchResource, |
...cacheParseResource(matchResource) |
}; |
requestWithoutMatchResource = request.slice( |
matchResourceMatch[0].length |
); |
} |
scheme = getScheme(requestWithoutMatchResource); |
if (!scheme && !contextScheme) { |
const firstChar = requestWithoutMatchResource.charCodeAt(0); |
const secondChar = requestWithoutMatchResource.charCodeAt(1); |
noPreAutoLoaders = firstChar === 45 && secondChar === 33; // startsWith "-!" |
noAutoLoaders = noPreAutoLoaders || firstChar === 33; // startsWith "!" |
noPrePostAutoLoaders = firstChar === 33 && secondChar === 33; // startsWith "!!"; |
const rawElements = requestWithoutMatchResource |
.slice( |
noPreAutoLoaders || noPrePostAutoLoaders |
? 2 |
: noAutoLoaders |
? 1 |
: 0 |
) |
.split(/!+/); |
unresolvedResource = rawElements.pop(); |
elements = rawElements.map(el => { |
const { path, query } = cachedParseResourceWithoutFragment(el); |
return { |
loader: path, |
options: query ? query.slice(1) : undefined |
}; |
}); |
scheme = getScheme(unresolvedResource); |
} else { |
unresolvedResource = requestWithoutMatchResource; |
elements = EMPTY_ELEMENTS; |
} |
} else { |
unresolvedResource = request; |
elements = EMPTY_ELEMENTS; |
} |
const resolveContext = { |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies |
}; |
/** @type {ResourceDataWithData} */ |
let resourceData; |
let loaders; |
const continueCallback = needCalls(2, err => { |
if (err) return callback(err); |
// translate option idents |
try { |
for (const item of loaders) { |
if (typeof item.options === "string" && item.options[0] === "?") { |
const ident = item.options.slice(1); |
if (ident === "[[missing ident]]") { |
throw new Error( |
"No ident is provided by referenced loader. " + |
"When using a function for Rule.use in config you need to " + |
"provide an 'ident' property for referenced loader options." |
); |
} |
item.options = this.ruleSet.references.get(ident); |
if (item.options === undefined) { |
throw new Error( |
"Invalid ident is provided by referenced loader" |
); |
} |
item.ident = ident; |
} |
} |
} catch (e) { |
return callback(e); |
} |
if (!resourceData) { |
// ignored |
return callback(null, dependencies[0].createIgnoredModule(context)); |
} |
const userRequest = |
(matchResourceData !== undefined |
? `${matchResourceData.resource}!=!` |
: "") + |
stringifyLoadersAndResource(loaders, resourceData.resource); |
const settings = {}; |
const useLoadersPost = []; |
const useLoaders = []; |
const useLoadersPre = []; |
// handle .webpack[] suffix |
let resource; |
let match; |
if ( |
matchResourceData && |
typeof (resource = matchResourceData.resource) === "string" && |
(match = /\.webpack\[([^\]]+)\]$/.exec(resource)) |
) { |
settings.type = match[1]; |
matchResourceData.resource = matchResourceData.resource.slice( |
0, |
-settings.type.length - 10 |
); |
} else { |
settings.type = "javascript/auto"; |
const resourceDataForRules = matchResourceData || resourceData; |
const result = this.ruleSet.exec({ |
resource: resourceDataForRules.path, |
realResource: resourceData.path, |
resourceQuery: resourceDataForRules.query, |
resourceFragment: resourceDataForRules.fragment, |
scheme, |
assertions, |
mimetype: matchResourceData |
? "" |
: resourceData.data.mimetype || "", |
dependency: dependencyType, |
descriptionData: matchResourceData |
? undefined |
: resourceData.data.descriptionFileData, |
issuer: contextInfo.issuer, |
compiler: contextInfo.compiler, |
issuerLayer: contextInfo.issuerLayer || "" |
}); |
for (const r of result) { |
if (r.type === "use") { |
if (!noAutoLoaders && !noPrePostAutoLoaders) { |
useLoaders.push(r.value); |
} |
} else if (r.type === "use-post") { |
if (!noPrePostAutoLoaders) { |
useLoadersPost.push(r.value); |
} |
} else if (r.type === "use-pre") { |
if (!noPreAutoLoaders && !noPrePostAutoLoaders) { |
useLoadersPre.push(r.value); |
} |
} else if ( |
typeof r.value === "object" && |
r.value !== null && |
typeof settings[r.type] === "object" && |
settings[r.type] !== null |
) { |
settings[r.type] = cachedCleverMerge(settings[r.type], r.value); |
} else { |
settings[r.type] = r.value; |
} |
} |
} |
let postLoaders, normalLoaders, preLoaders; |
const continueCallback = needCalls(3, err => { |
if (err) { |
return callback(err); |
} |
const allLoaders = postLoaders; |
if (matchResourceData === undefined) { |
for (const loader of loaders) allLoaders.push(loader); |
for (const loader of normalLoaders) allLoaders.push(loader); |
} else { |
for (const loader of normalLoaders) allLoaders.push(loader); |
for (const loader of loaders) allLoaders.push(loader); |
} |
for (const loader of preLoaders) allLoaders.push(loader); |
let type = settings.type; |
const resolveOptions = settings.resolve; |
const layer = settings.layer; |
if (layer !== undefined && !layers) { |
return callback( |
new Error( |
"'Rule.layer' is only allowed when 'experiments.layers' is enabled" |
) |
); |
} |
try { |
Object.assign(data.createData, { |
layer: |
layer === undefined ? contextInfo.issuerLayer || null : layer, |
request: stringifyLoadersAndResource( |
allLoaders, |
resourceData.resource |
), |
userRequest, |
rawRequest: request, |
loaders: allLoaders, |
resource: resourceData.resource, |
context: |
resourceData.context || getContext(resourceData.resource), |
matchResource: matchResourceData |
? matchResourceData.resource |
: undefined, |
resourceResolveData: resourceData.data, |
settings, |
type, |
parser: this.getParser(type, settings.parser), |
parserOptions: settings.parser, |
generator: this.getGenerator(type, settings.generator), |
generatorOptions: settings.generator, |
resolveOptions |
}); |
} catch (e) { |
return callback(e); |
} |
callback(); |
}); |
this.resolveRequestArray( |
contextInfo, |
this.context, |
useLoadersPost, |
loaderResolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err, result) => { |
postLoaders = result; |
continueCallback(err); |
} |
); |
this.resolveRequestArray( |
contextInfo, |
this.context, |
useLoaders, |
loaderResolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err, result) => { |
normalLoaders = result; |
continueCallback(err); |
} |
); |
this.resolveRequestArray( |
contextInfo, |
this.context, |
useLoadersPre, |
loaderResolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err, result) => { |
preLoaders = result; |
continueCallback(err); |
} |
); |
}); |
this.resolveRequestArray( |
contextInfo, |
contextScheme ? this.context : context, |
elements, |
loaderResolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err, result) => { |
if (err) return continueCallback(err); |
loaders = result; |
continueCallback(); |
} |
); |
const defaultResolve = context => { |
if (/^($|\?)/.test(unresolvedResource)) { |
resourceData = { |
resource: unresolvedResource, |
data: {}, |
...cacheParseResource(unresolvedResource) |
}; |
continueCallback(); |
} |
// resource without scheme and with path |
else { |
const normalResolver = this.getResolver( |
"normal", |
dependencyType |
? cachedSetProperty( |
resolveOptions || EMPTY_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, |
"dependencyType", |
dependencyType |
) |
: resolveOptions |
); |
this.resolveResource( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
normalResolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err, resolvedResource, resolvedResourceResolveData) => { |
if (err) return continueCallback(err); |
if (resolvedResource !== false) { |
resourceData = { |
resource: resolvedResource, |
data: resolvedResourceResolveData, |
...cacheParseResource(resolvedResource) |
}; |
} |
continueCallback(); |
} |
); |
} |
}; |
// resource with scheme |
if (scheme) { |
resourceData = { |
resource: unresolvedResource, |
data: {}, |
path: undefined, |
query: undefined, |
fragment: undefined, |
context: undefined |
}; |
this.hooks.resolveForScheme |
.for(scheme) |
.callAsync(resourceData, data, err => { |
if (err) return continueCallback(err); |
continueCallback(); |
}); |
} |
// resource within scheme |
else if (contextScheme) { |
resourceData = { |
resource: unresolvedResource, |
data: {}, |
path: undefined, |
query: undefined, |
fragment: undefined, |
context: undefined |
}; |
this.hooks.resolveInScheme |
.for(contextScheme) |
.callAsync(resourceData, data, (err, handled) => { |
if (err) return continueCallback(err); |
if (!handled) return defaultResolve(this.context); |
continueCallback(); |
}); |
} |
// resource without scheme and without path |
else defaultResolve(context); |
} |
); |
} |
cleanupForCache() { |
for (const module of this._restoredUnsafeCacheEntries) { |
ChunkGraph.clearChunkGraphForModule(module); |
ModuleGraph.clearModuleGraphForModule(module); |
module.cleanupForCache(); |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param {ModuleFactoryCreateData} data data object |
* @param {function(Error=, ModuleFactoryResult=): void} callback callback |
* @returns {void} |
*/ |
create(data, callback) { |
const dependencies = /** @type {ModuleDependency[]} */ (data.dependencies); |
const context = data.context || this.context; |
const resolveOptions = data.resolveOptions || EMPTY_RESOLVE_OPTIONS; |
const dependency = dependencies[0]; |
const request = dependency.request; |
const assertions = dependency.assertions; |
const contextInfo = data.contextInfo; |
const fileDependencies = new LazySet(); |
const missingDependencies = new LazySet(); |
const contextDependencies = new LazySet(); |
const dependencyType = |
(dependencies.length > 0 && dependencies[0].category) || ""; |
/** @type {ResolveData} */ |
const resolveData = { |
contextInfo, |
resolveOptions, |
context, |
request, |
assertions, |
dependencies, |
dependencyType, |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies, |
createData: {}, |
cacheable: true |
}; |
this.hooks.beforeResolve.callAsync(resolveData, (err, result) => { |
if (err) { |
return callback(err, { |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies, |
cacheable: false |
}); |
} |
// Ignored |
if (result === false) { |
return callback(null, { |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies, |
cacheable: resolveData.cacheable |
}); |
} |
if (typeof result === "object") |
throw new Error( |
deprecationChangedHookMessage( |
"beforeResolve", |
this.hooks.beforeResolve |
) |
); |
this.hooks.factorize.callAsync(resolveData, (err, module) => { |
if (err) { |
return callback(err, { |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies, |
cacheable: false |
}); |
} |
const factoryResult = { |
module, |
fileDependencies, |
missingDependencies, |
contextDependencies, |
cacheable: resolveData.cacheable |
}; |
callback(null, factoryResult); |
}); |
}); |
} |
resolveResource( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolver, |
resolveContext, |
callback |
) { |
resolver.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolveContext, |
(err, resolvedResource, resolvedResourceResolveData) => { |
if (err) { |
return this._resolveResourceErrorHints( |
err, |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolver, |
resolveContext, |
(err2, hints) => { |
if (err2) { |
err.message += ` |
An fatal error happened during resolving additional hints for this error: ${err2.message}`; |
err.stack += ` |
An fatal error happened during resolving additional hints for this error: |
${err2.stack}`; |
return callback(err); |
} |
if (hints && hints.length > 0) { |
err.message += ` |
${hints.join("\n\n")}`; |
} |
callback(err); |
} |
); |
} |
callback(err, resolvedResource, resolvedResourceResolveData); |
} |
); |
} |
_resolveResourceErrorHints( |
error, |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolver, |
resolveContext, |
callback |
) { |
asyncLib.parallel( |
[ |
callback => { |
if (!resolver.options.fullySpecified) return callback(); |
resolver |
.withOptions({ |
fullySpecified: false |
}) |
.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolveContext, |
(err, resolvedResource) => { |
if (!err && resolvedResource) { |
const resource = parseResource(resolvedResource).path.replace( |
/^.*[\\/]/, |
"" |
); |
return callback( |
null, |
`Did you mean '${resource}'? |
BREAKING CHANGE: The request '${unresolvedResource}' failed to resolve only because it was resolved as fully specified |
(probably because the origin is strict EcmaScript Module, e. g. a module with javascript mimetype, a '*.mjs' file, or a '*.js' file where the package.json contains '"type": "module"'). |
The extension in the request is mandatory for it to be fully specified. |
Add the extension to the request.` |
); |
} |
callback(); |
} |
); |
}, |
callback => { |
if (!resolver.options.enforceExtension) return callback(); |
resolver |
.withOptions({ |
enforceExtension: false, |
extensions: [] |
}) |
.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
unresolvedResource, |
resolveContext, |
(err, resolvedResource) => { |
if (!err && resolvedResource) { |
let hint = ""; |
const match = /(\.[^.]+)(\?|$)/.exec(unresolvedResource); |
if (match) { |
const fixedRequest = unresolvedResource.replace( |
/(\.[^.]+)(\?|$)/, |
"$2" |
); |
if (resolver.options.extensions.has(match[1])) { |
hint = `Did you mean '${fixedRequest}'?`; |
} else { |
hint = `Did you mean '${fixedRequest}'? Also note that '${match[1]}' is not in 'resolve.extensions' yet and need to be added for this to work?`; |
} |
} else { |
hint = `Did you mean to omit the extension or to remove 'resolve.enforceExtension'?`; |
} |
return callback( |
null, |
`The request '${unresolvedResource}' failed to resolve only because 'resolve.enforceExtension' was specified. |
${hint} |
Including the extension in the request is no longer possible. Did you mean to enforce including the extension in requests with 'resolve.extensions: []' instead?` |
); |
} |
callback(); |
} |
); |
}, |
callback => { |
if ( |
/^\.\.?\//.test(unresolvedResource) || |
resolver.options.preferRelative |
) { |
return callback(); |
} |
resolver.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
`./${unresolvedResource}`, |
resolveContext, |
(err, resolvedResource) => { |
if (err || !resolvedResource) return callback(); |
const moduleDirectories = resolver.options.modules |
.map(m => (Array.isArray(m) ? m.join(", ") : m)) |
.join(", "); |
callback( |
null, |
`Did you mean './${unresolvedResource}'? |
Requests that should resolve in the current directory need to start with './'. |
Requests that start with a name are treated as module requests and resolve within module directories (${moduleDirectories}). |
If changing the source code is not an option there is also a resolve options called 'preferRelative' which tries to resolve these kind of requests in the current directory too.` |
); |
} |
); |
} |
], |
(err, hints) => { |
if (err) return callback(err); |
callback(null, hints.filter(Boolean)); |
} |
); |
} |
resolveRequestArray( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
array, |
resolver, |
resolveContext, |
callback |
) { |
if (array.length === 0) return callback(null, array); |
asyncLib.map( |
array, |
(item, callback) => { |
resolver.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
item.loader, |
resolveContext, |
(err, result) => { |
if ( |
err && |
/^[^/]*$/.test(item.loader) && |
!/-loader$/.test(item.loader) |
) { |
return resolver.resolve( |
contextInfo, |
context, |
item.loader + "-loader", |
resolveContext, |
err2 => { |
if (!err2) { |
err.message = |
err.message + |
"\n" + |
"BREAKING CHANGE: It's no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders.\n" + |
` You need to specify '${item.loader}-loader' instead of '${item.loader}',\n` + |
" see https://webpack.js.org/migrate/3/#automatic-loader-module-name-extension-removed"; |
} |
callback(err); |
} |
); |
} |
if (err) return callback(err); |
const parsedResult = this._parseResourceWithoutFragment(result); |
const resolved = { |
loader: parsedResult.path, |
options: |
item.options === undefined |
? parsedResult.query |
? parsedResult.query.slice(1) |
: undefined |
: item.options, |
ident: item.options === undefined ? undefined : item.ident |
}; |
return callback(null, resolved); |
} |
); |
}, |
callback |
); |
} |
getParser(type, parserOptions = EMPTY_PARSER_OPTIONS) { |
let cache = this.parserCache.get(type); |
if (cache === undefined) { |
cache = new WeakMap(); |
this.parserCache.set(type, cache); |
} |
let parser = cache.get(parserOptions); |
if (parser === undefined) { |
parser = this.createParser(type, parserOptions); |
cache.set(parserOptions, parser); |
} |
return parser; |
} |
/** |
* @param {string} type type |
* @param {{[k: string]: any}} parserOptions parser options |
* @returns {Parser} parser |
*/ |
createParser(type, parserOptions = {}) { |
parserOptions = mergeGlobalOptions( |
this._globalParserOptions, |
type, |
parserOptions |
); |
const parser = this.hooks.createParser.for(type).call(parserOptions); |
if (!parser) { |
throw new Error(`No parser registered for ${type}`); |
} |
this.hooks.parser.for(type).call(parser, parserOptions); |
return parser; |
} |
getGenerator(type, generatorOptions = EMPTY_GENERATOR_OPTIONS) { |
let cache = this.generatorCache.get(type); |
if (cache === undefined) { |
cache = new WeakMap(); |
this.generatorCache.set(type, cache); |
} |
let generator = cache.get(generatorOptions); |
if (generator === undefined) { |
generator = this.createGenerator(type, generatorOptions); |
cache.set(generatorOptions, generator); |
} |
return generator; |
} |
createGenerator(type, generatorOptions = {}) { |
generatorOptions = mergeGlobalOptions( |
this._globalGeneratorOptions, |
type, |
generatorOptions |
); |
const generator = this.hooks.createGenerator |
.for(type) |
.call(generatorOptions); |
if (!generator) { |
throw new Error(`No generator registered for ${type}`); |
} |
this.hooks.generator.for(type).call(generator, generatorOptions); |
return generator; |
} |
getResolver(type, resolveOptions) { |
return this.resolverFactory.get(type, resolveOptions); |
} |
} |
module.exports = NormalModuleFactory;