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A component for React. This library works with React and React Native (using React Native SVG).



Android & iOS


yarn add react-qr-code

When using this library with React Native, you will also need to have react-native-svg installed.

yarn add react-native-svg
cd ios && pod install

The Gist

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import QRCode from "react-qr-code";

ReactDOM.render(<QRCode value="hey" />, document.getElementById("Container"));

Note: If the QR code is likely to appear next to dark objects, you will need to wrap it in a light-colored container to preserve the 'quiet zone', e.g.

<div style={{ background: 'white', padding: '16px' }}>
    <QRCode ... />


prop type default value
bgColor string '#FFFFFF'
fgColor string '#000000'
level string ('L' 'M' 'Q' 'H') 'L'
size number 256
title string
value string
