# Resolve URL Loader |
[](https://www.npmjs.com/package/resolve-url-loader) |
This **webpack loader** allows you to have a distributed set SCSS files and assets co-located with those SCSS files. |
## Do you organise your SCSS and assets by feature? |
Where are your assets? |
* ✅ I want my assets all over the place, next to my SCSS files. |
* ❌ My assets are in a single directory. |
How complicated is your SASS? |
* ✅ I have a deep SASS composition with partials importing other partials. |
* ✅ My asset paths are constructed by functions or `@mixin`s. |
* ❌ I have a single SCSS file. The asset paths are just explicit in that. |
What asset paths are you using? |
* ✅ Fully relative `url(./foo.png)` or `url(foo.png)` |
* ❌ Root relative `url(/foo.png)` |
* ❌ Relative to some package or webpack root `url(~stuff/foo.png`) |
* ❌ Relative to some variable which is your single asset directory `url($variable/foo.png)` |
What webpack errors are you getting? |
* ✅ Webpack can't find the relative asset `foo.png` 😞 |
* ❌ Webpack says it doesn't have a loader for `fully/resolved/path/foo.png` 😕 |
If you can tick at least 1 item in **all of these questions** then use this loader. It will allow webpack to find assets with **fully relative paths**. |
If for any question you can't tick _any_ items then webpack should be able to already find your assets. You don't need this loader. 🤷 |
Once webpack resolves your assets (even if it complains about loading them) then this loading is working correctly. 👍 |
## What's the problem with SASS? |
When you use **fully relative paths** in `url()` statements then Webpack expects to find those assets next to the root SCSS file, regardless of where you specify the `url()`. |
To illustrate here are 3 simple examples of SASS and Webpack _without_ `resolve-url-loader`. |
[](docs/basic-problem.svg) |
The first 2 cases are trivial and work fine. The asset is specified in the root SCSS file and Webpack finds it. |
But any practical SASS composition will have nested SCSS files, as in the 3rd case. Here Webpack cannot find the asset. |
``` |
Module not found: Can't resolve './cool.png' in '/absolute/path/.../my-project/src/styles.scss' |
``` |
The path we present to Webpack really needs to be `./subdir/cool.png` but we don't want to write that in our SCSS. 😒 |
Luckily we can use `resolve-url-loader` to do the **url re-writing** and make it work. 😊🎉 |
With functions and mixins and multiple nesting it gets more complicated. Read more detail in [how the loader works](docs/how-it-works.md). 🤓 |
## Getting started |
> **Upgrading?** the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) shows how to migrate your webpack config. |
### Install |
via npm |
```bash |
npm install resolve-url-loader --save-dev |
``` |
via yarn |
```bash |
yarn add resolve-url-loader --dev |
``` |
### Configure Webpack |
The typical use case is `resolve-url-loader` between `sass-loader` and `css-loader`. |
**⚠️ IMPORTANT** |
* **source-maps required** for loaders preceding `resolve-url-loader` (regardless of `devtool`). |
* Always use **full loader package name** (don't omit `-loader`) otherwise you can get errors that are hard to debug. |
``` javascript |
rules: [ |
{ |
test: /\.scss$/, |
use: [ |
... |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
options: {...} |
}, { |
loader: 'resolve-url-loader', |
options: {...} |
}, { |
loader: 'sass-loader', |
options: { |
sourceMap: true, |
sourceMapContents: false |
} |
} |
] |
}, |
... |
] |
``` |
## Options |
The loader should work without options but use these as required. |
| option | type | default | | description | |
|-------------|----------------------------|-----------------------------------------|------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| `sourceMap` | boolean | `false` | | Generate an outgoing source-map. | |
| `removeCR` | boolean | `true` Windows OS<br/>`false` otherwise | | Convert orphan CR to whitespace.<br/>See known issues below. | |
| `debug` | boolean | `false` | | Display debug information. | |
| `silent` | boolean | `false` | | Do **not** display warnings or deprecation messages. | |
| `root` | string | _unset_ | | Similar to the (now defunct) option in `css-loader`.<br/>This string, possibly empty, is prepended to absolute URIs.<br/>Absolute URIs are only processed if this option is set. | |
| `join` | function | _inbuilt_ | advanced | Custom join function.<br/>Use custom javascript to fix asset paths on a per-case basis.<br/>Refer to the [advanced features](docs/advanced-features.md) docs. | |
| `engine` | `'rework'`<br/>`'postcss'` | `'postcss'` | deprecated | The css parser engine.<br/>Using this option produces a deprecation warning. | |
## Limitations |
### Compatiblity |
Tested `macOS` and `Windows`. |
All `webpack2`-`webpack4` with contemporaneous loaders/plugins using `node 8.9`. And `webpack5` with latest loaders/plugins using `node 10.0`. |
Refer to `test` directory for full webpack configurations as used in automated tests. |
Some edge cases with `libsass` on `Windows` (see [troubleshooting](docs/troubleshooting.md) docs). |
### Known issues |
Read the [troubleshooting](docs/troubleshooting.md) docs before raising an issue.